País proyecto 27: Portugal


El proyecto europeo SOLLAGUA, impulsado por un consorcio transnacional de diez entidades, promueve soluciones basadas en la naturaleza (SBN) para la reutilización del agua en áreas rurales de España, Portugal y Francia.

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El objetivo principal de SMART GREEN WATER es promover respuestas comunes a los retos de la agricultura en el espacio SUDOE, mediante la implementación de estrategias de especialización inteligente…

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I-REwater analyses the current state of water resources in the SUDOE space, paying particular attention to the use of reclaimed water in irrigated agriculture, and

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The RePo-SUDOE project seeks to excel in the area of drug repurposing in the SUDOE space. Its focus on repurposing existing drugs for new therapies aims to address the high failure rates, costs and delays in the development of new drugs. Through multidisciplinary collaboration and the development of innovative technologies, RePo-SUDOE aims to raise the level of research and development in the region with a key objective: to develop and disseminate drug repurposing technologies with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the SUDOE space in this area of R&D, boosting the biopharmaceutical industry and attracting skilled human resources.

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Contexto y Desafío Los recursos de agua dulce de la región SUDOE están sometidos a una creciente presión antrópica, provocando problemas de escasez y de

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El proyecto europeo SCAIRA, impulsado por un consorcio transnacional de doce entidades, tiene como principal objetivo asesorar a emprendedores en la creación y aceleración de startups en áreas rurales de España, Francia y Portugal dentro del sector aeroespacial y automotriz.

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The GestEAUr project promotes sustainable and efficient water management in rural SUDOE areas through innovation, collaboration, and solutions tailored to climate change.

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The EU textile and fashion industry is facing an unprecedented challenge stemming from the European Green Deal that translates into a series of new mandatory requirements in the management of textile waste, advocating for a circular and sustainable model.

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