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Periodo: 2021-2027

Strategy and Action Plan for the implementation of IV in vineyards of high ecological value.

It will be carried out the elaboration of a Strategy and Action Plan to implement IV in vineyards of high ecological value in the SUDOE territory. This strategy will serve as a guide for the wine sector and authorities interested in improving SSEEs in vineyards, and will become an inspirational model for other regions. Key steps in strategy development include: 1. Study of European and Regional Strategies: Strategies will be examined at European and consortium countries level to identify successful practices. 2. Lessons Learned: Lessons learned during the project participation project will be incorporated into the strategy. 3. Strategic Objectives: Objectives addressing ecosystem protection, SSEE promotion and social welfare will be defined. 4. Strategic Lines: Strategic guidelines for the implementation of IV will be established. The Action Plan shall include: — Actions: Details of concrete actions, pilot projects and IV programmes. — Calendar: Deadlines for implementation of each action. — Responsibilities: Assigning roles to the actors involved. — Appeals: Identification of necessary human, financial and technical resources. In addition, specific dissemination activities will be carried out, such as the creation of a brochure, an informative video, microvideos with local testimonies, a final event, days in wine denominations of origin, contracts with specialised media and events in the cross-border area of Arribes and Alto Douro to share the results and benefits of the strategy approach. In short, the strategy and action plan seek to promote sustainability and quality in SUDOE vineyards through IV, leveraging previous knowledge and sharing lessons learned with the sector and local authorities.

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Plan estratĂ©gico de medidas de prevenciĂ³n

Planes estratĂ©gicos de medidas preventivas, incluyendo manuales de buenas prĂ¡cticas, dirigidos a las administraciones pĂºblicas y otras entidades destinatarias (entidades gestoras de parques naturales, entidades gestoras de aguas, organismos de extinciĂ³n de incendios, protecciĂ³n civil, etc.).

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Strategic transfer plan

The development of a joint transnational strategy aimed at promoting local development of local development through the generation, storage and use of green hydrogen as an integrated energy vector in local energy communities contributes to the RC083 Programme Performance Indicator. The strategic plan will build on the outcomes and learnings of the WG1 preparatory studies and the implementation of the predictive platform and hydrogen integration models. In this sense, it seeks to offer individualised solutions to energy communities, with special attention to rural areas, starting from the previous analysis of the context and challenges of the Sudoe space. In addition, the testing of the pilot actions will allow to establish strategic actions for their replicability in other regions and in the energy communities identified previously. The strategic plan will be disseminated to companies in the sector, clusters, educational and R & D institutions, partnerships and especially between competent authorities, energy agencies and CELs with transferability potential.

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La estrategia persigue consensuar los objetivos a largo plazo y lĂ­neas de actuaciĂ³n compartidas por el consorcio que se integren para mejorar la prevenciĂ³n y gestiĂ³n del riesgo de incendios en los bosques del espacio SUDOE, consolidando la viabilidad de los planes de prevenciĂ³n a travĂ©s de la valorizaciĂ³n de la biomasa extraĂ­da y ayudando a desarrollar la resiliencia de los bosques sin comprometer sus servicios ecosistĂ©micos, econĂ³micos y sociales. Dicha estrategia se definirĂ¡ alrededor de cuatro ejes: 1. PlanificaciĂ³n de la prevenciĂ³n de incendios integrando la preservaciĂ³n de la biodiversidad de los bosques 2. InnovaciĂ³n en los mĂ©todos de aprovechamiento de biomasa forestal 3. La gestiĂ³n forestal, los centros de logĂ­stica y el consumo de biomasa a escala local. 4. FormaciĂ³n de agentes y personal de las cuadrillas cualificadas en gestiĂ³n forestal sostenible. La estrategia incluirĂ¡: – Informe diagnĂ³stico de situaciĂ³n (A 1.1) y contextualizaciĂ³n de retos territoriales – Objetivos consensuados para abordar los retos – LĂ­neas de intervenciĂ³n prioritarias para conseguir los objetivos – Soluciones desarrolladas y testadas en el GT 2 y buenas prĂ¡cticas identificadas – Planes de acciĂ³n territoriales para la adopciĂ³n de la estrategia. La estrategia estĂ¡ orientada a entidades del consorcio y otros actores locales dentro y fuera el territorio SUDOE para adoptar las lĂ­neas de intervenciĂ³n y soluciones desarrolladas en BIO4RES con el objetivo de valorizar la biomasa forestal aprovechada por los trabajos de prevenciĂ³n para su impacto positivo en el entorno local, generar energĂ­a renovable, crear empleo en los entornos rurales (A 1.3).

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Strategic plan of prevention measures

Strategic plans for preventive measures, including manuals on good practices, addressed to public administrations and other target entities (organisations managing natural parks, water management bodies, firefighting bodies, civil protection, etc.).

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The strategy aims to agree on the long-term objectives and lines of action shared by the consortium that are integrated to improve the prevention and management of fire risk in the forests of the SUDOE space, consolidating the viability of prevention plans through the valorisation of extracted biomass and helping to develop the resilience of forests without compromising their ecosystem, economic and social services. This strategy will be defined around four axes: 1. Fire prevention planning by integrating the preservation of forest biodiversity 2. Innovation in forest biomass harvesting methods 3. Forest management, logistics centres and biomass consumption at local level. 4. Training of staff and staff of qualified crews in sustainable forest management. The strategy shall include: — Diagnostic progress report (A 1.1) and contextualisation of territorial challenges Agreed objectives to address challenges Priority lines of intervention to achieve the objectives Solutions developed and tested in WG 2 and identified good practices — Territorial action plans for the adoption of the strategy. The strategy is oriented to entities of the consortium and other local actors inside and outside the SUDOE territory to adopt the lines of intervention and solutions developed in BIO4RES with the aim of valorising the forest biomass used by the prevention work for its positive impact on the local environment, generating renewable energy, creating employment in rural environments (A 1.3).

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