Phosphate monitoring pilot jointly developed and executed in 6 SUDOE territories


Realisation 2 of Phos4Cycle seeks to establish pilot actions to improve the monitoring of phosphate flows and the forecasting of the risk of eutrophication in the river basins. It will also allow to describe the behavior of phosphorus according to different types of agricultural management in different production systems. For this purpose, a global pilot has been designed to be implemented in 6 territorial pilots (“sub”pilots) in Spain, France and Portugal. The design of the general pilot has been carried out by the BP ITAGRA, and coordinated on the one hand with the other 5 partners who together with ITAGRA will apply the design in the 6 territorial pilots, and on the other hand, with the 2 beneficiaries in charge of the analysis of soil, water and sediment samples, No 8 AQUACorp and No 9 ADERA. Each territorial pilot will be developed in a level 3 river basin, in which 3 sub-basins will be defined, one in which a traditional management will be carried out, which will serve as a reference, and another 2 with experimental management that tries to reduce phosphate pollution through responsible management. The 6 territorial pilots are shown below, including their location, responsible partner and agricultural system: Pilot 1: ES – Castilla y León – ITAGRA – REGADIO: Pilot cereal 2: ES – La Rioja – Government of La Rioja – PERMANENT CULTIVOS (VID AND OLIVO) Pilot 3: ES – Extremadura – FEDEHESA – AGROFORESTAL SYSTEM AND EXTENSIVE DEHESA Pilot 4 PT – Central/Coimbra Region – IPC (ESAC) – REGION: Horticultural Pilot 5: PT – Central Region/Aveiro – IPC (ESAC) – WINNERIA INTENSIVA DE VACUNO AND PASTO Piloto 6: FR – Nouvelle Aquitaine – ITAVI – EXTENSIVE AVICULTURE Three of the six pilots will install the AQUACorp technology for remote water analysis as part of the experimentation. This technology would reduce costs and simplify the monitoring of phosphorus associated with agro-livestock activity.


Realisation 2 of Phos4Cycle seeks to establish pilot actions to improve the monitoring of phosphate flows and the forecasting of the risk of eutrophication in the river basins. It will also allow to describe the behavior of phosphorus according to different types of agricultural management in different production systems. For this purpose, a global pilot has been designed to be implemented in 6 territorial pilots (“sub”pilots) in Spain, France and Portugal. The design of the general pilot has been carried out by the BP ITAGRA, and coordinated on the one hand with the other 5 partners who together with ITAGRA will apply the design in the 6 territorial pilots, and on the other hand, with the 2 beneficiaries in charge of the analysis of soil, water and sediment samples, No 8 AQUACorp and No 9 ADERA. Each territorial pilot will be developed in a level 3 river basin, in which 3 sub-basins will be defined, one in which a traditional management will be carried out, which will serve as a reference, and another 2 with experimental management that tries to reduce phosphate pollution through responsible management. The 6 territorial pilots are shown below, including their location, responsible partner and agricultural system: Pilot 1: ES – Castilla y León – ITAGRA – REGADIO: Pilot cereal 2: ES – La Rioja – Government of La Rioja – PERMANENT CULTIVOS (VID AND OLIVO) Pilot 3: ES – Extremadura – FEDEHESA – AGROFORESTAL SYSTEM AND EXTENSIVE DEHESA Pilot 4 PT – Central/Coimbra Region – IPC (ESAC) – REGION: Horticultural Pilot 5: PT – Central Region/Aveiro – IPC (ESAC) – WINNERIA INTENSIVA DE VACUNO AND PASTO Piloto 6: FR – Nouvelle Aquitaine – ITAVI – EXTENSIVE AVICULTURE Three of the six pilots will install the AQUACorp technology for remote water analysis as part of the experimentation. This technology would reduce costs and simplify the monitoring of phosphorus associated with agro-livestock activity.

Periodo: 2021-2027
Estado: On going
Announcement: 1st call
Project: Phos4Cycle
Priority : 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objetivo: SO 2.7 (...) Protection and preservation of nature / biodiversity / green infrastructure