Water management strategy in Catalonia, Andalusia and Alentejo, and N. Aquitaine


The objective of this pilot action is to develop water management strategies in situations of scarcity using digital technologies. The methodology will have been developed jointly and standardised at CESAP, under the coordination of the IRTA. It will be implemented with irrigation communities in the regions of Andalusia, Catalonia and Alentejo and in a sub-basin of Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Adour and Dordogne). The main expected results are the application of water management strategies in situations of scarcity, using a method that can serve as a reference for other actors of SUDOE. This will encourage the adoption of good practices and the improvement of governance in the collective management of water resources. The action will be evaluated jointly in CESAP on the basis of the opinions of the actors who have participated in the elaboration of the strategies. This evaluation will allow the solution to be adapted so that it can be integrated into the SGW Strategy, as well as facilitating its transfer to other SUDOE regions.


The objective of this pilot action is to develop water management strategies in situations of scarcity using digital technologies. The methodology will have been developed jointly and standardised at CESAP, under the coordination of the IRTA. It will be implemented with irrigation communities in the regions of Andalusia, Catalonia and Alentejo and in a sub-basin of Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Adour and Dordogne). The main expected results are the application of water management strategies in situations of scarcity, using a method that can serve as a reference for other actors of SUDOE. This will encourage the adoption of good practices and the improvement of governance in the collective management of water resources. The action will be evaluated jointly in CESAP on the basis of the opinions of the actors who have participated in the elaboration of the strategies. This evaluation will allow the solution to be adapted so that it can be integrated into the SGW Strategy, as well as facilitating its transfer to other SUDOE regions.

Periodo: 2021-2027
Estado: On going
Announcement: 1st call
Priority : 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors
Objetivo: SO 1.4 (...) Smart Specialisation / Industrial Transition / Entrepreneurship