Prioridad proyecto 27: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services

Pilot experiences

The different pilot experiences are structured into three groups, each identified with a theme and leading to a solution: The first group (digitalisation) will generate a solution in terms of digitisation of the agrotourism experience (demand) and improvement of business competitiveness (offer). — New digital technologies (mixed and augmented reality) for the creation of immersive agrotouristic experiences (CDA24). — Intelligent data management system (Smart Data) for the improvement of the competitiveness of agrotourism companies from the improvement of customer knowledge and the subsequent segmentation of products and tourism experiences. The second group (environmental sustainability) will generate a solution of valorisation and differentiation of agrotouristic products with low environmental impact: — Creation of tourist itineraries aimed at sustainable development and promotion of km0 agri-food products (CRTLO) and connection with environmental protection figures (products of the Biosphere Reserve, in the case of the RBOV). — Creation of a digital product passport with information on environmental footprint, origin, quality certifications, etc. (CIM VDL). The third group (segmentation of audiences) will generate innovative experiences adapted to different audiences particularly suitable for the agrotourism sector: — Agrotourism experiences designed for children and youth audiences of urban origin (F. Ávila), including collaboration in traditional trades. — Valuation of agri-food products among hikers (CDA09), both in destination (Ariège) and origin (concept store in Toulouse). — Design of agrotourism circuits for urban family audiences (SODEBUR), including intangible heritage associated with traditional rural life. The project therefore plans to develop a total of three pilot actions within the framework of RCO84.

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Development of socio-cultural innovation and sustainable development clusters

The pilot action of WG3 is the most ambitious of the three developed in the project as it focuses on the definition of effective knowledge transfer mechanisms to make the cultural heritage of mountain landscapes a lever of development for the territories. The transfer is usually located as the last stage of the patrimonialisation processes and often does not materialise, or only in a very partial and institutionalised way, which generates in the end many equipment/equity resources practically abandoned, without a real use and exploitation, that languish and deteriorate quickly because the local population and the territorial actors do not really know them or consider them as their own. This pilot action aims to respond to this problem, completely turning it around from the processes of social innovation. Cultur-MONTS is committed to working on the transfer of heritage from the beginning of the project, placing as protagonists, and active agents of change, local communities, authorities, institutions and territorial actors (especially economic actors). This is how it is intended to test the application of methods of participation, such as “the path of impact”, through the promotion of formal spaces (physical or virtual) of encounter between all the agents involved: the clusters of sociocultural innovation and sustainable development. The idea that local communities express from the beginning what is the impact they expect from the project: what would you like to see achieved with CULTUR-MONTS; and from here, together with the consortium, determine what are the results to achieve and the best tools to achieve them.

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Plan de acción para la construcción de partenariados público-privados sostenibles

El plan de acción para la construcción de partenariados público-privados sostenibles contendrá la operativización del contenido de la estrategia de desarrollo del agroturismo en el espacio Sudoe. En concreto, se definirá de forma colectiva una serie de modelos de colaboración público-privada, incluyendo la dimensión transnacional, que den continuidad a los modelos ensayados a escala piloto durante el GT2. Se partirá de una identificación de modelos y fuentes de apoyo que servirá para identificar los recursos (metodológicos, financieros, materiales o basados en la colaboración) potencialmente aprovechables para dotar de continuidad a las acciones ensayadas a escala piloto. Sobre esta base, posteriormente, cada socio trabajará con los agentes públicos y privados claves del sector en su territorio para la integración de los resultados del proyecto en los programas o estructuras existentes o, eventualmente, en la creación de modelos nuevos. En las temáticas en las que sea eficiente, se abrirá la posibilidad a la construcción de partenariados público-privados transnacionales. El plan de acción que resulte de estas acciones contendrá diferentes modelos de asimilación de resultados por medio de la colaboración público-privada, que servirá como ejemplo o referencia para otros territorios interesados en replicar las acciones del proyecto AgroTour.

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Estrategia para la puesta en valor del patrimonio de los paisajes culturales de montaña Sudoe

Estrategia desarrollada conjuntamente por el consorcio CULTUR-MONTS para la puesta en valor del patrimonio, material e inmaterial, vinculado a los paisajes culturales de montaña y el impulso de espacios formales de transferencia intersectorial del conocimiento. La estrategia recoge y estructura las propuestas metodológicas derivadas de los distintos pilotos y articula una propuesta de síntesi e implementación (plan de acción) en la que se explica la interconexión necesaria entre los GT para alcanzar una valorización integral del patrimonio y su uso como base de procesos de innovación social y desarrollo territorial. La estrategia ofrecerá ejemplos prácticos de aplicación y desarrollo que sirvan de guía a las autoridades públicas y organizaciónes que quieran adaptarla en sus territorios.

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Estrategia para el desarrollo socioeconómico innovador-sostenible de las zonas rurales de SUDOE

Estrategia común para el desarrollo socioeconómico innovador y sostenible de las zonas rurales en el espacio SUDOE basado en su patrimonio cultural y natural: Co-diseño de la estrategia – modelo de desarrollo socioeconómico rural basado en el patrimonio cultural y natural del espacio SUDOE. El objetivo es generar atractivo territorial, contribuyendo a fijar población y atraer turismo sostenible (interesado en aspectos ecológicos, culturales, artísticos y sociales) gracias a la preservación, reutilización y puesta en valor del patrimonio. La estrategia contendrá diferentes elementos necesarios para conseguir el desarrollo socioeconómico de territorios rurales basado en su patrimonio (formación de agentes locales, utilización readaptativa del patrimonio, generación de actividades artístico-culturales, partenariados público-privados así como la construcción de redes). PP4 redactará la estrategia con las contribuciones de todos los socios y teniendo en cuenta los resultados de las actividades del GT2. En el GT 3, se plantea el testeo de diferentes elementos de la Estrategia. Para ello, habrá una parte común a todos los socios que incluirá el desarrollo de un sistema de gobernanza participativa (A3.1); diseño de un plan de acción que traduzca la estrategia en medidas concretas (A3.2) y una formación para los actores locales (A3.3). Junto a esta parte común, se desarrollará un piloto temático por país que testearán uno o varios elementos de la estrategia, en función de las necesidades de cada territorio. La Estrategia será adoptada por todos los socios del proyecto (excepto PP4) en el primer trimestre de 2026.

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Agritourism Development Strategy

The strategy for the development of agrotourism in the Sudoe space includes the strategic conclusions of the implementation of the different pilot experiences planned in Agrotour, as well as the integration and systematisation of the contents produced by the knowledge device, initiated previously. As described in activity 3.2., its development will follow a participatory approach through the involvement of public and private entities that have collaborated from the beginning with the project and that are integrated into the different Advisory Forums. This involvement will be achieved through the collection of written and oral testimonies, as well as the realisation of different thematic focus groups. It will also ensure consistency with the strategies currently in force in the territories participating in Agrotour. The strategy will develop its proposal for transnational intervention in accordance with the following principles: Sustainable development in the social, economic and environmental aspects of the agrotourism sector. Taking advantage of the sector’s tractor potential for the social and economic development of the Sudoe rural areas, as well as the fight against depopulation, ageing and lack of generational renewal in the agricultural sector. Strengthening the interactions between urban and rural environments and contributing to the rebalancing of both contexts. —Valorisation of the enogastronomic heritage of the Sudoe and link to environmental and cultural capital. Improving the profitability of agricultural holdings through the diversification of income and offering value-added services. —Incorporation of digital tools for the improvement of competitiveness and redesign of agrotouristic products. Implementation of dynamic public-private collaboration structures.

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Action plan for the construction of sustainable public-private partnerships

The action plan for the construction of sustainable public-private partnerships will contain the operationalisation of the content of the development strategy of agrotourism in the Sudoe space. In particular, a series of models of public-private collaboration, including the transnational dimension, will be defined collectively, which will give continuity to the models tested at pilot scale during WG2. It will be based on an identification of models and sources of support that will serve to identify the resources (methodological, financial, material or collaboration-based) that can be used to provide continuity to the actions tested at pilot scale. On this basis, each partner will then work with the key public and private actors of the sector in its territory to integrate the results of the project into existing programs or structures or, eventually, in the creation of new models. In the areas in which it is efficient, the possibility will be opened to the construction of transnational public-private partnerships. The action plan resulting from these actions will contain different models of assimilation of results through public-private collaboration, which will serve as an example or reference for other territories interested in replicating the actions of the Agrotour project.

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Strategy for the enhancement of the cultural heritage of Sudoe mountain landscapes

Strategy developed jointly by the CULTUR-MONTS consortium for the enhancement of heritage, material and immaterial, linked to mountain cultural landscapes and the promotion of formal spaces for cross-sectoral knowledge transfer. The strategy includes and structures the methodological proposals derived from the different pilots and articulates a proposal of syntheses and implementation (action plan) in which the necessary interconnection between the WGs is explained to achieve a comprehensive valorisation of the heritage and its use as a basis for processes of social innovation and territorial development. The strategy will provide practical examples of implementation and development to guide public authorities and organisations that wish to adapt it in their territories.

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Strategy for the innovative and sustainable socio-economic development of SUDOE’s rural areas

Common strategy for innovative and sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas in the SUDOE area based on their cultural and natural heritage: Co-design of the strategy – model of rural socio-economic development based on the cultural and natural heritage of the SUDOE space. The objective is to generate territorial attractiveness, helping to establish population and attract sustainable tourism (interested in ecological, cultural, artistic and social aspects) thanks to the preservation, reuse and enhancement of heritage. The strategy will contain different elements necessary to achieve the socio-economic development of rural territories based on their heritage (training of local agents, readaptive use of heritage, generation of artistic-cultural activities, public-private partnerships as well as the construction of networks). PP4 will draft the strategy with contributions from all partners and taking into account the results of WG2 activities. In WG 3, we consider testing different elements of the Strategy. To this end, there will be a common share of all partners, including the development of a participatory governance system (A3.1); design of an action plan translating the strategy into concrete measures (A3.2) and training for local actors (A3.3). Together with this common part, a thematic pilot will be developed per country that will test one or more elements of the strategy, depending on the needs of each territory. The Strategy will be adopted by all project partners (except PP4) in the first quarter of 2026.

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Estrategia de desarrollo del agroturismo

La estrategia de desarrollo del agroturismo en el espacio Sudoe recoge las conclusiones de carácter estratégico de la realización de las distintas experiencias piloto previstas en AgroTour, así como la integración y sistematización de los contenidos producidos por el dispositivo de conocimiento, iniciado con anterioridad. Como se describe en la actividad 3.2., su desarrollo seguirá un enfoque participativo mediante la involucración de las entidades públicas y privadas que han colaborado desde un comienzo con el proyecto y que se integran en los diferentes Foros Asesores. Dicha involucración de conseguirá a través de la recogida de testimonios escritos y orales, así como la realización de distintos focus groups temáticos. Asimismo, garantizará la coherencia con las estrategias actualmente en vigor en los territorios participantes en AgroTour. La estrategia desarrollará su propuesta de intervención transnacional conforme a los siguientes principios: -Desarrollo sostenible en el plano social, económico y ambiental del sector agroturístico. -Aprovechamiento del potencial tractor del sector para el desarrollo social y económico de las áreas rurales del Sudoe, así como la lucha contra la despoblación, envejecimiento y falta de relevo generacional en el sector agrícola. -Refuerzo de las interacciones entre los entornos urbanos y el medio rural y contribución a reequilibrio de ambos contextos. -Valorización del patrimonio enogastronómico del Sudoe y vinculación al capital ambiental y cultural. -Mejora de la rentabilidad de las explotaciones agrícolas a través de la diversificación de ingresos y oferta de servicios de valor añadido. -Incorporación de herramientas digitales para la mejora de la competitividad y rediseño de productos agroturísticos. -Puesta en marcha de dinámicas estructuras de colaboración público-privadas.

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