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Robotics, Digitalisation, and Automation as Engines of Competitiveness and Growth of SMEs


The common challenge addressed by the project is the technological modernisation of the economic sectors of the SUDOE area, in particular the agri-food industry and plastics, contributing to the transfer of knowledge and innovation to less developed territories and traditional and artisanal sectors, where traditional automation cannot be applied. The main objective of the project is to improve competitiveness and boost the growth of SMEs through collaborative robotics solutions that respond to endogenous challenges and ensure respect for the environment. Innovation will be put at the service of territorial actors to improve the quality of life and increase the potential and attractiveness of the entire SUDOE space in particular rural areas. The expected outputs are the creation of a network between the SCT entities for knowledge exchange and technology transfer to SMEs; the creation of new collaborative robot applications; the use of innovative and differentiating approaches and technologies for object manipulation and support for work on grueling tasks; the implementation of these techniques in real productive environments such as meat cutting, fruit packaging, and doll assembly; the creation of three “living labs” to promote solutions developed among the other sectors and SMEs present in the territories. Cooperation between innovation centres and territories will be crucial to contribute to territorial rebalancing, promote the transfer of innovation and strengthen economic activity in these territories. Transnational cooperation is essential as the sectors covered and the challenges faced are similar, however, the level of knowledge and skills of the different entities are complementary so that the joint work will lead to more effective and innovative solutions. The innovative aspect of the project is related to the application of innovative technologies and advanced AI techniques developing collaborative robotics solutions adapted to the traditional and artisanal sectors.

Periodo de programaciĂ³n:2021-2027
Fecha de inicio:01/01/2024
Fecha fin:31/12/2026
Estado: On going
Convocatoria: 1st call
Prioridad:2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors
Objetivo especĂ­fico:SO 1.1 (...) Research / Innovation
Coste subvencionable: 2.557.704,47 euros
Ayuda FEDER: 1.918.278,36 euros


Principal Beneficiary: Centimfe - Centro TecnolĂ³gico da IndĂºstria de Moldes, Ferramentas Especiais e PlĂ¡sticos

Nombre del beneficiario: Centimfe - Centro TecnolĂ³gico da IndĂºstria de Moldes, Ferramentas Especiais e PlĂ¡sticos

RegiĂ³n: Portugal,Centro,Marinha Grande

Persona de contacto: Liliana Ramos

Email: [email protected]

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2 - AsociaciĂ³n de InvestigaciĂ³n de la Industria del Juguete, Conexas y Afines, InnovaciĂ³n y Sostenibilidad, EnergĂ­a / RobĂ³tica

Nombre del beneficiario: AsociaciĂ³n de InvestigaciĂ³n de la Industria del Juguete, Conexas y Afines, InnovaciĂ³n y Sostenibilidad, EnergĂ­a / RobĂ³tica

RegiĂ³n: España,Comunidad Valenciana,Ibi (Alicante)

Persona de contacto: Carlos Agusti Chust

Email: [email protected]

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3 - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Centro Singular de InvestigaciĂ³n en TecnologĂ­as Inteligentes

Nombre del beneficiario: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Centro Singular de InvestigaciĂ³n en TecnologĂ­as Inteligentes

RegiĂ³n: España,Galicia,Santiago de Compostela

Persona de contacto: Fernando Sedano ArnĂ¡ez

Email: [email protected]

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4 - CIMES Auvergne-RhĂ´ne-Alpes

Nombre del beneficiario: CIMES Auvergne-RhĂ´ne-Alpes

RegiĂ³n: France,Auvergne (Auvergne-RhĂ´ne-Alpes),Clermont-Ferrand

Persona de contacto: Loic Marin

Email: [email protected]

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5 - Universidade da Beira Interior, Faculdade de Engenharia , C-MAST

Nombre del beneficiario: Universidade da Beira Interior, Faculdade de Engenharia , C-MAST

RegiĂ³n: Portugal,Centro,CovilhĂ£

Persona de contacto: Pedro Gaspar

Email: [email protected]

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6 - Center for Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Technologies

Nombre del beneficiario: Center for Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Technologies

RegiĂ³n: España,Comunidad Valenciana,ONIL

Persona de contacto: Juan Antonio Maicas Vicente

Email: [email protected]

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Nombre del beneficiario: INDUSTRIA AUXILIAR JUEMA SL

RegiĂ³n: España,Galicia,San Cibrao das Viñas (Ourense)

Persona de contacto: Luis VĂ¡zquez Sande

Email: [email protected]

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8 - FundaciĂ³n Centro TecnolĂ³xico da Carne

Nombre del beneficiario: FundaciĂ³n Centro TecnolĂ³xico da Carne

RegiĂ³n: France,Auvergne (Auvergne-RhĂ´ne-Alpes),Aubière

Persona de contacto: Chedli Bouzgarrou

Email: [email protected]

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9 - Clermont Auvergne INP

Nombre del beneficiario: Clermont Auvergne INP

RegiĂ³n: Portugal,Centro,FUNDAO

Persona de contacto: Filipe Costa

Email: [email protected]

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10 - CerfundĂ£o - Embalamento e comercializaĂ§Ă£o de cereja da Cova da Beira, Lda

Nombre del beneficiario: CerfundĂ£o - Embalamento e comercializaĂ§Ă£o de cereja da Cova da Beira, Lda

RegiĂ³n: ,,

Persona de contacto:


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