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RegiĂ³n proyecto 27: Castilla-La Mancha


Hitts faces the following challenges common to the SUDOE space: depopulation, ageing and the leakage of high value-added human resources; Lack of value for heritage, including artistic and cultural heritage,

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Los sistemas forestales del espacio SUDOE se ven afectados por riesgos climĂ¡ticos especĂ­ficos como son las sequĂ­as, las plagas, los incendios, el r…

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Las zonas rurales del SUDOE presentan mĂºltiples retos comunes en relaciĂ³n con el ciclo integral del agua: la escasez de recursos hĂ­dricos (agravada…

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HITTS afronta la despoblaciĂ³n y la fuga de talentos en SUDOE, revitalizando el patrimonio rural con turismo sostenible y colaboraciĂ³n pĂºblico-privada.

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The forest systems of the SUDOE space are affected by specific climate risks such as droughts, pests, fires, the risk of desertification and biodiversity loss. These are aggravated by other

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Rural areas of SUDOE present multiple common challenges in relation to the integral water cycle: the scarcity of water resources (aggravated by climate change), the impact of agricultural activity on

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