Europe is moving towards an ageing society, with the SUDOE territory, and specifically rural environments, with the highest percentage of elderly and depopulation. Ageing leads
Europe is moving towards an ageing society, with the SUDOE territory, and specifically rural environments, with the highest percentage of elderly and depopulation. Ageing leads
El objetivo general del proyecto es mejorar la prevenciĂ³n y gestiĂ³n del riesgo de incendios en los bosques del espacio SUDOE, consolidando la viabil…
El SUDOE cuenta con amplias y variadas zonas forestales que prestan numerosos servicios (producciĂ³n de madera, estabilizaciĂ³n del suelo, almacenamie…
El principal objetivo de NEWPOWER es la resoluciĂ³n de los problemas asociados a la alta generaciĂ³n de residuos agrĂcolas y forestales, que se acumulan cada vez en mayor medida debido al abandono del medio rural, y que causan gran cantidad de incendios.
Europa camina hacia una sociedad envejecida, siendo el territorio SUDOE, y concretamente los entornos rurales, los que presentan un mayor porcentaje d…
The overall objective of the project is to improve the prevention and management of fire risk in the forests of the SUDOE space, consolidating the
The SUDOE has extensive and varied forest areas that provide numerous services (wood production, soil stabilisation, CO2 storage, water quality, rich biodiversity…). The forest and
The main objective of Newpower is to solve the problems associated with the high generation of agricultural and forest waste, which accumulate more and more