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RegiĂ³n proyecto 27: Norte

AgroTour SUDOE

El sector primario en las zonas rurales del espacio Sudoe, ademĂ¡s de aglutinar una parte muy importante de su tejido, representa una actividad clave …

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AgroTour SUDOE

R The primary sector in the rural areas of the Sudoe area, in addition to bringing together a very important part of its fabric, represents

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El reto de Ultreia_Sudoe es potenciar el turismo de interior, activar las zonas rurales mediante la puesta en valor de los recursos naturales y cultur…

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Ultreia_SudoeÂ’s challenge is to boost indoor tourism, activate rural areas by enhancing natural and cultural resources, especially agri-food traditions and craftsmanship, linked to the Caminos

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La industria del textil y la moda de la UE se enfrentan a un reto sin precedentes que deriva del Pacto Verde Europeo y que se traduce en una serie de …

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Research in advanced technologies and its application in the SUDOE space to a topic of economic and social relevance such as thermalism, helping from innovation

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El proyecto europeo SCAIRA, impulsado por un consorcio transnacional de doce entidades, tiene como principal objetivo asesorar a emprendedores en la creaciĂ³n y aceleraciĂ³n de startups en Ă¡reas rurales de España, Francia y Portugal dentro del sector aeroespacial y automotriz.

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The EU textile and fashion industry is facing an unprecedented challenge stemming from the European Green Deal that translates into a series of new mandatory

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¿Las tecnologĂ­as digitales pueden contribuir a la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas con necesidades de cuidados paliativos? Esta pregunta resume el

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The European project SCAIRA, driven by a transnational consortium of twelve entities, has as its main objective to advise entrepreneurs in the creation and acceleration of startups in rural areas of Spain, France and Portugal within the aerospace and automotive sector.

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