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RegiĂ³n proyecto 27: Principado de Andorra


I-ReWater analiza el estado actual de los recursos hĂ­dricos en el espacio SUDOE, prestando especial atenciĂ³n al uso de aguas regeneradas en la agric…

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El SUDOE cuenta con amplias y variadas zonas forestales que prestan numerosos servicios (producciĂ³n de madera, estabilizaciĂ³n del suelo, almacenamie…

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El Proyecto demostrarĂ¡ la viabilidad de las redes inalĂ¡mbricas de sensores de bajo coste (WSN) para su aplicaciĂ³n en sistemas de vigilancia y alert…

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Europa camina hacia una sociedad envejecida, siendo el territorio SUDOE, y concretamente los entornos rurales, los que presentan un mayor porcentaje d…

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I-REwater analyses the current state of water resources in the SUDOE space, paying particular attention to the use of reclaimed water in irrigated agriculture, and its effects on crop production

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The SUDOE has extensive and varied forest areas that provide numerous services (wood production, soil stabilisation, CO2 storage, water quality, rich biodiversity…). The forest and the services it provides are

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The Project will demonstrate the feasibility of low-cost wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for application in forest fire surveillance and early warning systems. To assess the risk and detect forest fires

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Europe is moving towards an ageing society, with the SUDOE territory, and specifically rural environments, with the highest percentage of elderly and depopulation. Ageing leads to the emergence of fragility

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