Second call for applications

The second phase will end on January 10th of call for proposals has finished! 2025

The Monitoring Committee summoned on October 16 and decided to authorise 85 proposals to move forward to the second phase, amongst the 203 submitted proposal

You can access the classification clicking the following button

Information and documents related to the second phase

Text of the call

Information available in Spanish, French and Portuguese. 

Application Kit

Information available in Spanish, French and Portuguese. 

Sudoe Guide

Information available in Spanish, French and Portuguese. 

Sudoe Cooperation Programme

Information available in Spanish, French and Portuguese. 

The calendar for the second phase

Calendar of events for the preparation of the second phase

A seminar and several webinars will be held for the potential beneficiaries. 

Information available in Spanish, French and Portuguese. 

Calendar of events for the preparation of the second phase

Updated information June 3, 2024

The first phase for the second call for proposals has been open since February 26 to May 31 at 12:00 pm (Santander, Spain).

With a budget of €53.7 million, the call for projects is open to all specific objectives of priorities 1, 2 and 3 of the programme.

In total 203 proposal have been received. 

You can check in the following video the main features regarding the first phase of the second call: 

The distribution of funds by priorities and specific objectives is the following:

Once the first phase is closed, the Joint Secretariat and the Sudoe national Authorities start the assesment of the proposals. The application procedure is described in point 8 of the text for the second call. The current calendar goes as following: 

The official text details the terms and conditions of the call for projects. It presents the content of the call, the admissibility and eligibility criteria, the calendar, the amount of ERDF support available, the method of examining applications and all the conditions to be taken into account for the preparation of the application form. The official text is available in Spanish, French and Portuguese.

The document is available in Spanish, French and Portutuguese. 

This kit contains all the necessary documentation to prepare your proposal in both the first and second phases. It includes the application form, the documents to be submitted by the main beneficiary and the partners, the financial plan model, the collaboration agreement model, etc. All documents in the kit are available in Spanish, French and Portuguese.

The document is available in Spanish, French and Portutuguese. 

Past events

The Interreg Sudoe programme authorities organise a series of online and face-to-face events to assist project promoters in the preparation of their projects

March 6, 2024

Online webinar with simultaneous translation in Spanish, French and Portuguese.

The programme and the presentations used in the webinar are available in Spanish, French and Portuguese. 

This webinar introduced the expected project promoters in each specific objective opened in the call for projects and the general eligibility issues of the entities.

The programme and the presentations used in the webinar are available in Spanish, French and Portuguese. 

This seminar have been held in person and took place in Santander (Spain), on April 17 and 18, 2024. It was open to all entities interested in submitting a proposal. It began on April 17 in the afternoon with a networking session focused on a pitching of project ideas. The morning of 18 April was devoted to a series of sessions led by the Joint Secretariat and National Authorities.

The programme and the presentations used in the webinar are available in Spanish, French and Portuguese.