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Second call for applications

The second call for proposals has finished!

Updated information June 3, 2024

The first phase for the second call for proposals has been open since February 26 to May 31 at 12:00 pm (Santander, Spain).

With a budget of €53.7 million, the call for projects is open to all specific objectives of priorities 1, 2 and 3 of the programme.

In total 203 proposal have been received. 

You can check in the following video the main features regarding the first phase of the second call: 

The distribution of funds by priorities and specific objectives is the following:

I have submitted a proposal, what are the next steps to follow?

Once the first phase is closed, the Joint Secretariat and the Sudoe national Authorities start the assesment of the proposals. The application procedure is described in point 8 of the text for the second call. The current calendar goes as following: 

We remind potential beneficiaries that they have 7 calendar days from 31 May to submit the translations of their project idea in other languages apart from the language of the lead partner. 

During the analysis of the admisibility criteria, in case one or more criteria need to be corrected, the lead partner of the project will be notified exclusively via eSudoe. The notification will be sent to the email address of the eSudoe user who created the application form. 

Any other information concerning the project assesment will not be communicated until the Monitoring Committee has been held.

Documents for the call

Below you can view and download the documents related to the Sudoe Programme and the current call. These documents are related to the preparation of the proposal in the case the project is allowed to pass to the second phase. 

The official text details the terms and conditions of the call for projects. It presents the content of the call, the admissibility and eligibility criteria, the calendar, the amount of ERDF support available, the method of examining applications and all the conditions to be taken into account for the preparation of the application form. The official text is available in Spanish, French and Portuguese.

The following document is related to the first phase of the call. Once the second phase is open, a suplementary document will be published with the call for proposals calendar. 

This kit contains all the necessary documentation to prepare your proposal in both the first and second phases. It includes the application form, the documents to be submitted by the main beneficiary and the partners, the financial plan model, the collaboration agreement model, etc. All documents in the kit are available in Spanish, French and Portuguese.

The guide to the Interreg Sudoe programme sets out the set of rules that projects must consider when preparing a proposal and putting it into practice. Composed of several thematic sheets, it contains all the answers to the questions that you may have. The guide is available in Spanish, French and Portuguese. Within the framework of the projects´assembly, the sheet 4 details all the points to be considered so that the application meets the expectations of the programme.

We recommend you to download the last version of the Guide, which has most of the updated fiches on it since April 2024 (updated version on April 15, 2024).

The cooperation programme outlines the framework for cooperation within the Sudoe space for the period 2021-2027. It presents the logic of intervention and the strategic objectives to which projects should contribute. Its reading is essential to identify well what is expected in terms of the type of project and expected results in order to be able to verify that the project idea and the planned activities respond well to the established guidelines. The cooperation programme is available in Spanish, French and Portuguese.


The Interreg Sudoe programme authorities organise a series of online and face-to-face events to assist project promoters in the preparation of their projects

March 6, 2024

Online webinar with simultaneous translation in Spanish, French and Portuguese.

The programme and the presentations used in the webinar are available here.

This webinar introduced the expected project promoters in each specific objective opened in the call for projects and the general eligibility issues of the entities.

The program and presentations made during the webinar will be available soon.

This seminar have been held in person and took place in Santander (Spain), on April 17 and 18, 2024. It was open to all entities interested in submitting a proposal. It began on April 17 in the afternoon with a networking session focused on a pitching of project ideas. The morning of 18 April was devoted to a series of sessions led by the Joint Secretariat and National Authorities.

The material used for the sessions is available in Spanish, French and Portuguese in the different sections of this site.

Starting the week of April 22, 2024, different meetings have been scheduled between project promoters, national authorities and the Joint Secretariat. These sessions organised by member states will allow participants to share their various questions about what is expected from the programme, its specific points of the call for projects, the creation of the value chain in the consortium, etc. The schedule of the sessions is announced for Spanish, French and Portuguese promoters in the different sections of this site. 

Do you have an advanced project idea but don’t know how to move forward? Project managers from the Joint Secretariat will answer your questions during a half-hour online meeting.