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Convocatoria proyecto 27: 1st call

Method to identify industrial and territorial problems and provide solutions to solve them

The methodology will be built in conjunction with the clusters and incubators of the SCAIRA project and will be validated by the public authorities. It will detail the following steps: the mapping of local ecosystems, the establishment of the database, the organisation of external audits and analyses, the organisation of local workshops, the description of the Design Thinking method and the questionnaire used, the organisation of the final session, as well as the integration of comments from taxpayers and public authorities in terms of the methodology and relevance of the identified challenges. Secondly, the methodology for emerging solutions will also be built in conjunction with incubators and CTAs. It will take the concepts of the Sustainable Innovation Challenge developed by IMT Albi and optimise them to meet SCAIRA’s transnational objectives. This methodology will be tested during GT1 by the 5 incubators in the aeronautical and automotive sectors. It has set a target of 6 industrial and territorial challenges to be identified through the methodology developed, as well as the realisation of 2 emergency events, one in 2024 and the other in 2025. These 2 events will be Hackathons organised in a hybrid way with an event organised in person in one of the Spanish, Portuguese and French incubators. In practice, 3 events will be organised on the same date of 2024 in the facilities of HIESE (Portugal), CEEIM (Spain) and IMT Albi (France) with joint live presentations and a common agenda. By 2025 it will be organised in the facilities of HIESE (Portugal), FUNDECYT (Spain) and CARO (France).

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Smart Green Water | Planes de acciĂ³n locales

La estrategia transnacional serĂ¡ apoyada por 3 planes de acciĂ³n locales (uno por paĂ­s) para garantizar el correcto despliegue de la estrategia en cada uno de los territorios, asignando roles y liderazgos, calendarizando y presupuestando las actividades, identificando grupos objetivo, etc.

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The SMART GREEN WATER (SGW) strategy is a transnational strategy for the development and provision of solutions that respond to the needs of sustainable and digital agriculture through the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) in the SUDOE space. The SGW Strategy will propose a jointly developed method to be applied to increase digital skills in water management for agricultural use in the project regions and adaptable to other SUDOE regions. It shall define the objectives and indicators to be achieved and the necessary levers for action in each of the Regions. The strategy will be constructed in a way that will usefully complement the objectives of existing S3s and future S3s for the period 2027-2034. Tested through pilot actions and demonstration projects, the SGW strategy will propose solutions for better targeting farmers towards tools adapted to their needs (1.3), training in these tools (2.2), the transnational consolidation of digital tools for irrigation management, through experimentation in several Regions (2.3). Solutions will also be proposed to connect technology companies with farmers, in order to boost supply and demand and matching needs and solutions. It will be reflected in an action plan for the digitisation of water use by farmers in Catalonia, which will serve as a reference for the other regions of the SUDOE territory. This action plan, drawn up jointly, will list the resources needed to achieve the various objectives: actors, tools, financing, links with other sectoral policies (water, agriculture). A dissemination plan will be developed and implemented to encourage the adoption of the SGW strategy by the competent authorities of the project regions and its implementation in the short and medium term.

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Elaborar una estrategia y un plan de acciĂ³n conjuntos

El GT 1, vinculado al objetivo especĂ­fico 1, se centrarĂ¡ en el desarrollo de una estrategia comĂºn y un plan de acciĂ³n. Estas realizaciones, desarrolladas conjuntamente en el marco de la asociaciĂ³n, permitirĂ¡n alcanzar los objetivos fijados en el marco del proyecto. del proyecto. TambiĂ©n proporcionarĂ¡n una visiĂ³n a mĂ¡s largo plazo para generar cambios de gran alcance en los Ă¡mbitos cubiertos por el proyecto, pero tambiĂ©n mĂ¡s allĂ¡, gracias a las iniciativas de comunicaciĂ³n.

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Holistic transnational strategy

A holistic transnational strategy for the industrial textile/fashion transformation towards a consensual circular model that responds to the requirements coming from the EU for each of the target groups and actors in the value chain.

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Local Action Plans

The transnational strategy will be supported by 3 local action plans (one per country) to ensure the correct deployment of the strategy in each of the territories, assigning roles and leadership, scheduling and budgeting activities, identifying target groups, etc.

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Develop a joint strategy and action plan

WG 1, linked to specific objective 1, will focus on the development of a common strategy and action plan. These achievements, developed jointly within the framework of the partnership, will achieve the objectives set in the framework of the project. They will also provide a longer-term vision to generate far-reaching changes in the areas covered by the project, but also beyond, thanks to communication initiatives.

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