Convocatoria proyecto 27: 1st call

Definition of an Action Plan for the Management of CaS in the Sudoe Space

The Action Plan will be based on the overall transnational strategy of the CaS as defined in Action A1.3, and will serve as a model for any Sudoe territory to be able to effectively manage the Caminos to Santiago within its competence. The plan will be defined specifying the strategic lines with concrete actions and expected results, its schedule, the responsible and the metrics and methods of evaluation of progress will be established establishing the indicators to follow, goals and method of measurement. Everything will be summarised in the scorecard of the Action Plan. The areas selected for the pilot foreseen in Actions A3.2 and A3.3 are varied, with common elements and different realities that will provide data with increased value when shared. The results of this pilot will be used for the improvement and correction of the Action Plan: real data from the methods of selection and collection of information of local supply and key actors, development of local Hubs, systems of control and measurement of flows of pilgrims and the operation of stops on the road. They will be integrated into the common action plan for the Sudoe space, reflecting the different realities of the territories.

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Cross-border strategies

A Strategy for the Application and Marketing of Residual Biomass By-products and a Strategy for the Development of Transboundary Biorefinery Processes will be developed that will contribute to the output indicator RCO83. These strategies will be critical for the successful transfer of residual biomass by-products to other economic sectors within the area of cooperation of the Sudoe space and for the replication of cross-border processes by other organisations. Regarding the first strategy, it is focused on identifying and promoting the use of the most viable residual biomass by-products in different economic sectors within the Sudoe space. To achieve this, lessons learned and good practices from the pilot actions and previous activities of the project will be collected. This strategy will also establish continuous actions and define the economic sectors with the greatest potential for replicability. Within the framework of the implementation of this strategy, guidance and advice will be provided to entities seeking to market and apply the tested by-products and promote the adoption of public measures in the field of reducing agricultural and forest biomass waste. The second strategy will highlight biorefinery processes that have proven to be effective and efficient in converting residual biomass and that can be replicated by other organisations in the area of cooperation. Companies supplying raw materials and trading companies will be identified in the value chains of the selected sectors in order to promote new transnational partnerships that promote the circular economy in different industries. For the implementation of this strategy, the cross-border matching programme will be organised and policy proposals for cross-border cooperation between public authorities will be made.

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Ecodesign Guide to Facilitate Remanufacturing

Ecodesign guide that describe proposals and protocols for the design and manufacture of products, improving their future remanufacturing. This set of guidelines will form a strategy that companies can adopt to improve the circularity of their production, creating more sustainable products. It will also contain an action plan with specific steps on how to adopt the proposals in this strategy.

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More ecological, intelligent, and competitive surface treatments

The RESINSURF project aims to improve surface treatment in FRANCE, SPAIN, and PORTUGAL by replacing hexavalent chromium, a toxic compound, with MORE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY ALTERNATIVES. It focuses on developing sustainable solutions for key sectors such as aeronautics and automotive, implementing INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES and TRAINING PROFESSIONALS. Through collaboration with universities and companies, RESINSURF seeks to contribute to smart and sustainable growth, improving INDUSTRY COMPETITIVENESS throughout the SUDOE TERRITORY and promoting a more environmentally responsible future.

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Estrategia transnacional de conocimiento y conservación de los recursos genéticos forestales SUDOE

Con el objetivo de proteger el patrimonio forestal y reforzar la resiliencia de los bosques del suroeste de Europa, COOPTREE se propone elaborar una estrategia transnacional de conocimiento y conservación de los recursos genéticos forestales del SUDOE. Este documento, que establece objetivos comunes y una visión a largo plazo, pretende ser un punto de convergencia de los enfoques de los distintos territorios para la preservación y adaptación de los bosques del SUDOE. Basándose en los logros del proyecto, tanto en lo que se refiere a los conocimientos que se habrán centralizado como a los que se habrán generado, esta estrategia transnacional pretende sentar las bases de una red experta que perdure en el tiempo, identificar las palancas de acción relevantes y las carencias de conocimientos, y servir de base a los territorios y actores destinatarios, como estrategia directamente adoptada, o para alimentar sus propias estrategias de conservación y adaptación de los bosques. Sin prejuzgar los elementos que surjan a lo largo del proyecto, la Estrategia elaborada conjuntamente por los socios podría constar de tres componentes: – Una sección sobre el contexto forestal y las bases estratégicas que se están llevando a cabo en los territorios participantes. – Una sección relativa a los conocimientos reunidos, que procede de la capitalización de los conocimientos ya disponibles y de los generados por el proyecto (act. 1.1, 1.2 y 1.3). – Una sección que contenga las orientaciones estratégicas y sus variantes operativas, que especificarán las orientaciones a seguir para preservar el recurso forestal (p.e. conocimiento de los recursos genéticos, conservación, diversificación, enriquecimiento, clareos, sustitución de especies, etc.). Los entregables del GT1 alimentarán esta realización, así como las realizaciones del GT2 (acciones piloto) podrán ilustrar algunas de las aplicaciones operativas de las orientaciones estratégicas elaboradas.

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Mejorar el modelo de atención sanitario en el paciente anciano

Los países del SUDOE (España, Francia, Portugal y Andorra) enfrentan un notable envejecimiento poblacional, especialmente en zonas rurales donde hay mayor concentración de ancianos y menos acceso a servicios sanitarios, lo que agrava la despoblación. Este envejecimiento lleva a una mayor incidencia de discapacidades y un aumento en la utilización de servicios sanitarios, hospitalizaciones y mortalidad. La mayoría de las personas mayores desea mantener su autonomía, y cada país tiene diferentes enfoques preventivos para evitar discapacidades.
En la UE, hay esfuerzos para abordar el envejecimiento, enfocados en la investigación, participación de múltiples partes interesadas, y coordinación intersectorial. Sin embargo, el reto es grandes.
El envejecimiento poblacional aumenta la prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas y discapacidades, incrementando la demanda de servicios médicos y hospitalarios. Un enfoque multidisciplinario es esencial para la atención de las personas mayores, lo que requiere una mejor organización del sistema sanitario. La prevención y tratamiento de la fragilidad son claves para un envejecimiento saludable, que implica optimizar las oportunidades de salud, participación y seguridad a lo largo de la vida.
Un envejecimiento activo y saludable incluye hábitos saludables como una buena alimentación, ejercicio regular, estimulación cognitiva, cuidado de la salud mental, y actividades de ocio. Estos factores ayudan a prevenir problemas de salud y mejorar la calidad de vida en la vejez, permitiendo a las personas mayores vivir de manera activa y plena.

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Postgraduate course in “Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Risk Management”

This Action Plan aims to transmit the knowledge, technologies, developments and results of the Project to current and future professionals of the Sudoe. A transnational and interuniversity postgraduate course (hereinafter the Course) will be promoted to train professionals with a highly multidisciplinary profile in a variety of essential WSN technologies such as Sensor Science and Technology, Intelligent Devices and Systems, Wireless Technologies, Energy Microgeneration Technologies, Data Science and Technology, Cloud Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and others. The Course will show how to integrate these technologies into WSNs and how to adapt WSNs to local contexts so that their implementation, operation and maintenance is economically viable and sustainable over time. It will also show examples of applications from WSNs to environmental risk management in rural areas. The format of the Course will be that of ONLINE MASIVO and OPEN COURSE (MOOC), in which the consortium has previous experience; for example, the MOOC in “Low-cost sensors for air quality monitoring” of the NanoSen-AQM (Interreg V-B Sudoe) project. Two editions of the MOOC will be held in years 2 and 3 of the Project and the final version will be delivered in month 34. The University of Coimbra (FCTUC/DEI) will lead the Action Plan in which the beneficiary universities (B6, B8 and B9) and partners (A4) of the Project will participate. The R & D centres (B1, B2, B3, B11 and B12) will collaborate in the preparation of the Action Plan and provide training in the Course. CSIC and CNRS have a wide territorial implementation in ES and FR, share mixed centers and associated units with national universities and maintain collaborations with universities in other countries. This will make it possible to expand the number of participating universities and extend the scope of the Course to other regions of the Sudoe, as well as to other EU countries.

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