Inclusive mechanisms for enhancing the heritage of mountain cultural landscapes
Pilot action articulated in 5 analysis windows that make up a territorial transect by different Sudoe mountain landscapes, with diverse geographical and heritage characteristics. The pilot action makes it possible to propose and test various methodological proposals for valorisation, as well as devices for the digitisation of heritage or its virtualisation through 3D models. The pilot windows work complementary problems between them and carry out demonstration actions also cooperatives that aim to evaluate the best solutions for each type of landscape and heritage. Physical signage solutions are compared with virtual formulas, still little extended, but that allow to analyse non-invasive methodologies for the patrimonialisation of cultural landscapes. An important aspect that also addresses this pilot action is the incorporation of technological devices and inclusive museographic supports, which allow to make accessible all the valuable heritage to society as a whole, especially to people with disabilities who are usually without tools to enjoy the cultural heritage under equal conditions, especially if it is outdoors and not in a museum. The pilot action will not only test the most appropriate tools to patrimonialise, but also aims to evaluate the impact of the existence of these inclusive resources on groups with blindness or visual deficit when performing activities of discovery of the landscape, which we perceive mainly by sight.