Estado proyecto 27: On going

The 3 pilot cases

At least 3 pilot cases (1 per country) act as living laboratories, offering concrete lessons and allowing the Decision Support System (DSS) to be tested, enriched with feedback and new knowledge. These pilot cases not only provide practical data, but also help strengthen the strategic and operational skills of thermal city managers. The feedback obtained facilitates the optimisation of thermal water infrastructures, as well as the implementation of effective climate change adaptation measures. This practical approach aims to promote economic benefit for both operators and policy makers, thus consolidating the sustainable management of thermal water in the thermal territories of SUDOE. These 3 pilot cases are concrete initiatives that seek to test and demonstrate innovative solutions developed for the sustainable management of hot springs. The aim is to put into practice the knowledge acquired, collect tangible data, and generate valuable lessons that feed the process of adaptation to climate change. These pilot actions represent crucial steps in the transformation of theoretical concepts into operational solutions, thus contributing to the achievement of the project’s objectives.

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Impacto de tipologías y densidades de vegetación forestal en su protección frente a incendios

Desarrollo e implementación conjunta por el B9-CIM-TTM y el B12-CD Aude, bajo la coordinación del B10-IPB, de una acción piloto demostrativa del impacto de diferentes tipologías y densidades de vegetación forestal en su protección frente a los incendios, incluyendo la monitorización y evaluación de su impacto y transferibilidad. Este piloto será testado en el territorio de Terras de Tras-os-Montes (PT) y Aude (FR) como herramienta innovadora para la prevención y gestión de incendios forestales.

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Master Plan for the Substitution of Conventional Resources by NCA Resources

The objective of this pilot activity is to test the applicability of the TARGET strategy to the Dordogne river basin (A.1.5). The test procedures and methodologies will have been prepared in advance by CESEEAP. It will be implemented in accordance with the 4 pillars of the Strategy and respecting its 3 principles. It will allow for the implementation, after critical analysis and adaptation, of solutions tested by project partners and associated partners, in other contexts, at river basin level (in particular CEREMA’s “Resilience Compass” and ECF multi-criteria mapping analysis). The action will lead to the development of a master plan for the sustainable management of the water resources of the Dordogne basin, which will make it possible to replace the fragile water resources of the basin with unconventional water resources (regenerated waters, rainwater, grey water). This master plan will indicate, for each sector and use of the Dordogne river basin, the appropriateness of using non-conventional waters and, if so, the means to be applied (agents, techniques and financing). Following the evaluation of the implementation of the pilot action by CESEEAP, a methodological guide for the implementation of the TARGET strategy at river basin level will be developed. It will contain the tools and methods for the application of the principles (efficient use, RANC, innovation) and pillars of the Strategy (current situation, consultation, forecasting, action plan) at basin level. This guide will be used later by AMAYA and its partner JUNTA DE ANDALUCIA in an Andalusian river basin. The master plan will be adopted by EPIDOR’s governing bodies and feedback sessions on the approved TARGET strategy and evaluation of the pilot action will be organised, in particular with the partner ANEB.

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Planificación preventiva e intervención rápida para mejora de la prevención y gestión de incendios

Desarrollo e implementación conjunta por el B2-JCyL, B6-DipOurense, B7-UVigo, B11-CNPF NA y B13-SudCharente, bajo la coordinación del BP-DXDM, de una acción piloto demostrativa de la eficacia de la planificación preventiva e intervención rápida para la mejora de la prevención y gestión de los incendios forestales, incluyendo la monitorización y evaluación de su impacto y transferibilidad. Este piloto será testado en ES (Galicia, Castilla y León) y FR (Sud Charente).

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Scenarios and action programme for the optimisation of water management at the local level

The objective of this pilot activity is to test the applicability of the TARGET Strategy method at local level, in the municipalities of Granollers and Barreiro. The test procedures and methodologies will have been prepared in advance by CESEEAP. It will be implemented in accordance with the 4 pillars of the Strategy and in compliance with its 3 principles. It will allow solutions tested by project partners and associated partners to be implemented, after critical analysis and adaptation, in other contexts, at the level of local authorities (in particular work on nature-based solutions of AMAYA and ECF). The action will culminate in the development of an action programme for the optimisation of Reut in Granollers and prospective scenarios for water management in Barreiro. The program will allow, for each sector and use in the municipality of Granollers, to indicate whether it is necessary to optimise the RANCs and the resources to be deployed (actors, techniques and financing). The prospective scenarios studied for water management in Barreiro will expose the advantages and disadvantages of ENCs for the preservation of the resource and the environment. Once the implementation of the pilot action has been assessed by the CESEEAP, a methodological guide for the implementation of the TARGET strategy at local level will be developed. It will contain the tools and methods for applying the principles (efficient use, RANC, innovation) and pillars of the Strategy (current situation, consultation, forecasting, action plan) at local level. The action programme will be adopted by the Granollers authorities, and a forward-looking scenario will be adopted by the Barreiro authorities. Sessions will then be organised to present the approved TARGET strategy and feedback on the pilot action.

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Modelización del comportamiento de incendios para cuantificar y prevenir su propagación

Desarrollo e implementación conjunta por el B4-Tecnalia y el B12-Aude, bajo la coordinación del B3-Hazi, de una acción piloto demostrativa de la eficacia de la modelización del comportamiento de incendios como herramienta para cuantificar y prevenir su propagación, incluyendo la monitorización y evaluación de su impacto y transferibilidad. Este piloto será testado en el territorio de Euskadi (ES) y Aude (FR) como herramienta innovadora para la prevención y gestión de incendios forestales.

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Demonstrators for the reuse of water with SBN in the water treatment chain

3 demonstrators created during the project in France, Spain and Portugal. These sites will be the result of the NB-Woll (Water-Oriented Living Labs) strategy aimed at finding the best combination of demand and innovation with the help of 3 Woll (platform). Its design will be based on water demand (quality/quantity), context (uses, locations, stakeholder sensitivity) and regulations. These demonstrators will be adopted by the 3 local authorities responsible for public procurement.

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Establecimiento de cortafuegos productivos como herramienta de prevención frente a los incendios

Desarrollo e implementación conjunta por el B6-DipOurense, B12-Aude y el A1-O Barco de Valdeorras, bajo la coordinación del B5-Eixo Atlántico, de una acción piloto demostrativa de la eficacia de los cortafuegos productivos como herramienta de prevención frente a los incendios forestales, incluyendo la monitorización y evaluación de su impacto y transferibilidad. Este piloto será testado en O Barco de Valdeorras (ES) y el PNR Corbières-Fenouillèdes (FR).

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Action plan for the construction of sustainable public-private partnerships

The action plan for the construction of sustainable public-private partnerships will contain the operationalisation of the content of the development strategy of agrotourism in the Sudoe space. In particular, a series of models of public-private collaboration, including the transnational dimension, will be defined collectively, which will give continuity to the models tested at pilot scale during WG2. It will be based on an identification of models and sources of support that will serve to identify the resources (methodological, financial, material or collaboration-based) that can be used to provide continuity to the actions tested at pilot scale. On this basis, each partner will then work with the key public and private actors of the sector in its territory to integrate the results of the project into existing programs or structures or, eventually, in the creation of new models. In the areas in which it is efficient, the possibility will be opened to the construction of transnational public-private partnerships. The action plan resulting from these actions will contain different models of assimilation of results through public-private collaboration, which will serve as an example or reference for other territories interested in replicating the actions of the Agrotour project.

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Strategy for the enhancement of the cultural heritage of Sudoe mountain landscapes

Strategy developed jointly by the CULTUR-MONTS consortium for the enhancement of heritage, material and immaterial, linked to mountain cultural landscapes and the promotion of formal spaces for cross-sectoral knowledge transfer. The strategy includes and structures the methodological proposals derived from the different pilots and articulates a proposal of syntheses and implementation (action plan) in which the necessary interconnection between the WGs is explained to achieve a comprehensive valorisation of the heritage and its use as a basis for processes of social innovation and territorial development. The strategy will provide practical examples of implementation and development to guide public authorities and organisations that wish to adapt it in their territories.

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