Testing of pilot solutions for adaptation, prevention and mitigation
Under the An-Gel Sudoe project, 8 pilot areas have been selected: Lleida, Lot-et-Garonne, Bordeaux, Dordogne (x2), Rioja Alavesa, Murcia and Braganza. In each of these areas, work will be carried out in collaboration with a group of associated producers, either using farms under real production conditions or involving them in the technical follow-up of the tests. The prevention, adaptation and mitigation techniques to be tested will be (activities 2.1 and 2.2): — High precision foliar spraying (active solution). — Active ventilation (active solution). — Soil moisture management (semi-passive solution, linked to high-precision spraying, but strategically applied in a preventive and non-reactive manner). — Soil cover management — Hot hedges (passive solution). — Convective drainage of cold air — Late pruning of vines to delay the appearance of frost (solution intended to minimise the destructive effects of frost). The final solution will be the use of one of these techniques or a possible combination of several of them to adapt perfectly to the constraints of farmers in a given area. For example, a cold-breaker hedge can be used to limit the flow of cold air in the plot (passive solution), combined with controlling soil moisture by influencing the vegetation cover or by high-precision spraying (in the foliage) a few days before frost (semi-passive solution) or, if necessary, during intense frost episodes (active solution), if water resources are available. Therefore, it is considered a single solution, as it is conceived as a “toolbox” that allows combining different techniques to offer effective solutions according to the particular context of the different farms participating in the project as pilot centres.