Estado proyecto 27: On going

Estrategia de planificación territorial por la GSRH y la prevención en casos de escasez de agua

La Estrategia TARGET establecerá un método desarrollado conjuntamente y aplicable en el espacio SUDOE para: • Un objetivo: la implementación de planes de acción para la gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos (GSRH) y la prevención de situaciones de crisis vinculadas a la escasez de agua mediante la integración de soluciones para el uso de recursos hídricos no convencionales (RANC). • Dos escalas de aplicación: posible despliegue a escala hidrográfica, de la cuenca hidrográfica, para identificar y comprender los problemas estudiando la idoneidad de la RANC, y a escala de competencia (agua-saneamiento, desarrollo, etc.) local, permitiendo la optimización de la RANC. • Tres principios a tener en cuenta: mejorar el uso eficiente del agua para todas las partes interesadas; revalorizar las aguas no convencionales (aguas regeneradas, aguas pluviales, aguas grises, desalinización, etc.); y poner los medios necesarios mediante la innovación técnica, económica y social. • Cuatro pilares a aplicar: consulta – situación actual (problemas actuales) – consulta – previsión climática y socioeconómica (problemas futuros) – elaboración de un plan de acción (acciones/soluciones para hacer frente a los problemas). Este método, a modo de caja de herramientas de la GSRH, puede desplegarse de forma diferente en función de la escala territorial (local o de cuenca) y del avance del uso de los RANC (oportunidad, viabilidad, mejora, etc.). Propondrá soluciones que han sido probadas a través de acciones piloto (GT1) y acciones de demostración (GT2). Tras analizar las condiciones de transferencia y replicabilidad (GT3), la Estrategia TARGET se adaptará para que pueda aplicarse en todo el espacio SUDOE, teniendo en cuenta los diferentes niveles territoriales. Será adoptada por al menos 2 socios del proyecto (GRANOLLERS – España y EPIDOR – Francia) y a dos niveles territoriales (local y cuenca hidrográfica).

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Strategy to increase the use of regenerated water in agriculture

It will consist of an inclusive document including multilevel governance (local, regional, national and European). The strategy aims to improve the efficiency of water uses, as well as the sustainable management of water resources, contemplating regenerated water as an alternative water resource and that must be studied and mobilised for an efficient and inclusive management in the SUDOE space, focused on its use in the irrigation of crops. The development of a transnational, joint strategy will be obtained from an integrative vision (water resource modelling, life cycle analysis, and socio-economic analysis) with which an improvement of irrigation management is achieved, and therefore reducing the impact of crops on water resources, releasing the pressure on the drinking water system in global terms in the SUDOE space.

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Estrategia y plan de acción para la puesta en marcha de Living Labs orientados al agua para las SBN

Se desarrollará 1 estrategia para poner en marcha Living Labs centrados en el agua para SBN y reutilización (NB- WoLL). Describirá el método general y la estructura de implementación de NB- WoLL basados en un enfoque de “Cuádruple Hélice” (ENoLL) para desarrollar soluciones innovadoras a través de un modelo de co-creación colaborativa que implique a todas las partes interesadas en la cadena de valor de la reutilización del agua. La estrategia presentará un enfoque a medida, en el que las soluciones se definirán en función de la demanda. Se creará 1 plan de acción para aplicar la estrategia NB-WoLL basándose en la experiencia de los 3 demostradores.

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White Paper on improving public policies for the prevention and management of frost risk

This document, which will be produced jointly taking into account the results of the pilot tests in each territory, will contain a series of recommendations for its incorporation into public policies on the management of the damage caused by negative climate events in agriculture. Basically, it will promote the transition from an approach based on economic reparation of damages to another that considers anticipation and prevention as central elements. It will also incorporate a rigorous analysis of the role of agricultural insurance in terms of protection against frost risk, making proposals to achieve a work in synergy between insurers and policyholders that reduces the financial burden for both and leads to a balanced sharing of responsibilities and re-assessment of risk in view of existing prevention and mitigation measures.

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Joint strategy and action plan for the management of jointly developed phosphates

Implementation 1 of Phos4Cycle seeks to develop a common strategy and an action plan for the management of phosphates associated with agricultural and livestock activity in rural areas to improve agricultural practices by applying preventive measures to reduce the transfer of forms of phosphorus to the aquatic environment, as well as corrective measures in water masses with a polluting presence. Beneficiary No 4 CPI shall coordinate the joint work of all partners. In addition, the strategy will include specific guidelines for reducing phosphate pollution in different agro-livestock production systems. Each partner will contribute to the definition of guidelines in the systems experienced in each pilot: dairy production (IPC-CALCOB), horticultural production (IPC-CALCOB), irrigated cereal production (ITAGRA), dehesa production (FEDEHESA), permanent woody crop production (DGAG_GR) and poultry production systems (ITAVI), making them more competitive. All these production systems are essential in the economy of the SUDOE area. The Action Plan, jointly developed by the partners to facilitate the adoption of the strategy, will then be adapted by each partner into a roadmap for each territory (WG3).

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Estrategia para mejorar la eficiencia y la calidad del agua en las zonas rurales SUDOE

El proyecto GestEAUr desarrollará una estrategia integral para mejorar la gestión del agua y aumentar la resiliencia hídrica en zonas rurales del SUDOE (Francia, Portugal y España) ante el cambio climático. Incluirá cinco planes de acción regionales y tres pruebas piloto para optimizar la potabilización, depuración y reutilización del agua. Además, se implementará la herramienta digital SID_AQUARURAL, basada en inteligencia artificial, para una gestión hídrica avanzada y en tiempo real.

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Action plan for the technical implementation of solutions

As a result of the implementation of innovative solutions at pilot level, under the coordination of ACMG, an action plan for technical implementation will be developed, which will mean the decline at the operational level of the recommendations contained in the strategic document (White Paper). The document, which is eminently operational, will serve as a detailed guide to the implementation of the solutions tested on a pilot scale by the agricultural production fabric. In addition, it will be a realisation with a key role in transferring results to the whole Sudoe space. Therefore, this realisation is expected to contribute significantly and lastingly to the solution of the problem of spring frost in the Sudoe space.

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Strategy for authorities wishing to make them sustainable solve them

A medium/long term strategy (from 3 to 8 years) will be jointly developed based on the sharing of the results of our multi-stakeholder group animation work at transnational level. Its main objective will be to guide professionals (landscapers, consultants, public and private buyers, scientists, local development associations, site managers) and decision makers (elected representatives, company managers, etc.) towards the means of action available to them to support the long-term viability of the technical solutions tested during the project (collection, planting and monitoring of local indigenous herbaceous seeds, etc.). This strategy will define realistic objectives (taking into account the constraints of these stakeholders) but ambitious enough to support the development of the proposed solutions. It could be broken down into several action plans, tailored to each type of public concerned and their respective areas of competence. We will identify a number of economic and public policy levers that can support this strategy. To facilitate its implementation, the strategy will be accompanied by a number of resources available in open access: training modules for field workers and decision makers, awareness-raising content, a letter of engagement, feedback from multi-stakeholder groups, etc.

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El proyecto GestEAUr tiene como objetivo mejorar la gestión del agua en las zonas rurales del espacio SUDOE (Francia, España y Portugal) para aumentar la resiliencia hídrica en un contexto de cambio climático. Se desarrollará una estrategia integral que sea eficiente, adaptada a las necesidades locales y sostenible, junto con cinco planes de acción regionales específicos. Además, se implementarán tres pruebas piloto para optimizar la potabilización, depuración y reutilización del agua, y se creará la herramienta digital SID_AQUARURAL, que permitirá monitorear en tiempo real la calidad y cantidad de agua, apoyando la toma de decisiones. Con estas acciones, GestEAUr busca fortalecer la sostenibilidad y resiliencia de las comunidades rurales frente a los desafíos climáticos.

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Rural Transition Laboratories Strategy

A joint strategy for the structuring and development of Rural Transition Laboratories will be developed, based on a shared vision of the future of Sudoe’s rural territories. It will integrate the participatory dimension of Rural Transition Laboratories and the focus on endogenous resources and ecosystem-based approaches. For its implementation, each pilot territory will co-construct an action plan describing the stages, priorities and scope of the Laboratory.

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