Estado proyecto 27: On going

Pilot experiences

The different pilot experiences are structured into three groups, each identified with a theme and leading to a solution: The first group (digitalisation) will generate a solution in terms of digitisation of the agrotourism experience (demand) and improvement of business competitiveness (offer). — New digital technologies (mixed and augmented reality) for the creation of immersive agrotouristic experiences (CDA24). — Intelligent data management system (Smart Data) for the improvement of the competitiveness of agrotourism companies from the improvement of customer knowledge and the subsequent segmentation of products and tourism experiences. The second group (environmental sustainability) will generate a solution of valorisation and differentiation of agrotouristic products with low environmental impact: — Creation of tourist itineraries aimed at sustainable development and promotion of km0 agri-food products (CRTLO) and connection with environmental protection figures (products of the Biosphere Reserve, in the case of the RBOV). — Creation of a digital product passport with information on environmental footprint, origin, quality certifications, etc. (CIM VDL). The third group (segmentation of audiences) will generate innovative experiences adapted to different audiences particularly suitable for the agrotourism sector: — Agrotourism experiences designed for children and youth audiences of urban origin (F. Ávila), including collaboration in traditional trades. — Valuation of agri-food products among hikers (CDA09), both in destination (Ariège) and origin (concept store in Toulouse). — Design of agrotourism circuits for urban family audiences (SODEBUR), including intangible heritage associated with traditional rural life. The project therefore plans to develop a total of three pilot actions within the framework of RCO84.

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Pilotaje del sistema predictivo HENKO basado en IA

Prueba piloto de la plataforma predictiva “HENKO” basada en IA y tecnologías digitales innovadoras con usuarios finales de cuidados paliativos (A3.2): personas con necesidades de cuidados paliativos (N=120), familiares (N=50), profesionales (N=25). (1 acción piloto implementada en los 7 beneficiarios asistenciales, INTRAS, GSS, SALUD, DIPBI, CHUB, PM, IPO).

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Development of socio-cultural innovation and sustainable development clusters

The pilot action of WG3 is the most ambitious of the three developed in the project as it focuses on the definition of effective knowledge transfer mechanisms to make the cultural heritage of mountain landscapes a lever of development for the territories. The transfer is usually located as the last stage of the patrimonialisation processes and often does not materialise, or only in a very partial and institutionalised way, which generates in the end many equipment/equity resources practically abandoned, without a real use and exploitation, that languish and deteriorate quickly because the local population and the territorial actors do not really know them or consider them as their own. This pilot action aims to respond to this problem, completely turning it around from the processes of social innovation. Cultur-MONTS is committed to working on the transfer of heritage from the beginning of the project, placing as protagonists, and active agents of change, local communities, authorities, institutions and territorial actors (especially economic actors). This is how it is intended to test the application of methods of participation, such as “the path of impact”, through the promotion of formal spaces (physical or virtual) of encounter between all the agents involved: the clusters of sociocultural innovation and sustainable development. The idea that local communities express from the beginning what is the impact they expect from the project: what would you like to see achieved with CULTUR-MONTS; and from here, together with the consortium, determine what are the results to achieve and the best tools to achieve them.

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Mini-Pilotos de la Caja de Herramientas

Prueba piloto o mini-pilotos de la “Caja de Herramientas” (A3.3): Breve experimentación de tecnologías o servicios innovadores en el mercado o con suficiente madurez tecnológica, así como innovaciones de proceso o modelos de atención. Metodología “soft evaluation”. (1 acción piloto implementada en los 7 beneficiarios asistenciales, INTRAS, GSS, SALUD, DIPBI, CHUB, PM, IPO).

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Memory and orality laboratories for the safeguarding and enhancement of intangible heritage

Pilot action organised in 5 analysis windows aimed at the experimental impulse of memory laboratories to recover, preserve, value and transmit the intangible heritage linked to mountain cultural landscapes. Knowledge, doings, activities, traditional trades are at critical risk of disappearance in mountain environments due to the strong impact of population ageing, the demographic crisis and the lack of generational renewal in mountain exploitation activities, as well as the loss of intergenerational transmission of all oral heritage that explains legends, collective memories, traditions, names of places, transit roads, folk songs; an intangible human heritage, but indispensable, to understand the cultural and heritage dimension of mountain landscapes and that is irrecoverable once the voices of the senior population are extinguished. The pilot action also focuses on a historical vacuum in relation to the intangible heritage of mountain environments, especially if we talk about pastoralism and transhumance: the invisibility of women in this heritage. The pilot addresses this problem in a clear way with the aim of recovering and claiming the orality, knowledge and feminine practices in the mountain environments of the consortium, which is also the way to dignify the activities of domestic cure and terea that have historically fallen to women and have been underestimated in the whole ethnographic and intangible heritage of agropastoralism and the exploitation of the mountain. Finally, the pilot action allows to define and test a joint methodology deployed through the laboratories that are conceived to be able to give them continuity beyond the project and be easily transferable. It highlights the work in favor of the transmissibility of orality and the testing of mechanisms to reproduce it within the community.

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Demostradores y living labs

Implantación de 3 demostradores de robots colaborativos en un entorno productivo real centrados en 3 sectores diferentes de alta representatividad e impacto económico en el espacio SUDOE (cárnico, frutícola y plásticos) y 3 living labs para la integración y demostración de los resultados alcanzados en el marco del proyecto al tejido empresarial y otras entidades interesadas en implantar las soluciones desarrolladas, o equivalentes, en sus procesos productivos.

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Training programme for irrigators in Catalonia, Andalusia, Murcia, N.-Aquitaine and Alentejo.

This pilot project aims to launch 2 training programmes: — For irrigators in the use of digital technologies to improve their water use efficiency. — For irrigation communities and other actors in the collective management of water resources, to develop strategies for water management in the event of drought, using digital technologies. The training programmes will have been drawn up jointly at CESAP, under the coordination of the UPA. The pilot action will be implemented in the design and implementation of online training programmes in French, Spanish and Portuguese. The content of the programmes will be developed and implemented based on the needs identified in the diagnosis and to complement existing training courses. These online programmes will be complemented by the organisation of technological demonstration days in at least Nueva Aquitaine, Andalusia, Catalonia and Portugal. The action will ultimately be evaluated by CESAP. The aim will be to adapt the solution so that it can be integrated into the SGW Strategy, as well as facilitating its transfer to other SUDOE regions.

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Digital twins of irrigated plots in Catalonia, Andalusia, Murcia, N.Aquitaine and Alentejo

The objective of this pilot project is to develop “digital twins” of cultivation and irrigation systems for several pilot plots distributed by SUDOE. The methodology will have been developed jointly and standardised at CESAP, under the coordination of the UCO. The objective will be to create “digital twins” (MD) for pilot plots in the regions of Catalonia, Andalusia, Murcia, Nueva Aquitania and Alentejo in voluntary irrigation farms. The implementation of this action will allow irrigators to better plan and manage their irrigation water thanks to this decision-making tool, as well as through exchanges of experience with other SUDOE farmers. The activity will be evaluated jointly by CESAP, based on farmers’ comments on the use of these technologies. This evaluation will allow the solution to be adapted so that it can be integrated into the SGW Strategy, as well as facilitating its transfer to other SUDOE regions. The evaluation will also serve to provide feedback to providers of this type of service and potential technical support companies. The objective will be to improve the tool and encourage its deployment in other holdings, including small and medium-sized farms, the priority objective of the SGW project.

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Despliegue del sistema de monitorización y control en ubicaciones reales

Tras el despliegue y puesta en marcha del sistema de monitorización y control, las ubicaciones/balnearios se convertirán en los pilotos del proyecto, donde se recopilarán y analizarán los datos capturados por el sistema de control de calidad de las aguas termales. Estos pilotos permitirán evaluar la efectividad del sistema en tiempo real y su capacidad para garantizar la calidad del agua en diversos entornos termales. Los resultados obtenidos de estos pilotos proporcionarán información nexcesaria para la futura implementación del sistema en otros balnearios dentro del territorio Interreg SUDOE. Instituto de Termalismo de la Universidad de Burdeos, un piloto en Portugal asociado a la piscina termal del asociado Gestão de Equipamentos do Município de Chaves , E.M., S.A., un piloto en el la piscina del balneario de Hervideros de Cofrentes, un Piloto se deasarrollará en la piscina termal del Balneario El Raposo, un piloto se desarrollará por el asociado Caldaria Termal SLU en el Balneario de Laias y dos pilotos en balnearios de Francia a definir por AQUI O Thermes, cluster thermal Nouvelle-Aquitaine, sumando un total de 6 pilotos

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