Estado proyecto 27: On going

Pilot in the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal)

In the cross-border area of Arribes and Alto Douro, nature-based solutions (NBS) measures to improve IV will be implemented in the vineyards of Bodegas Pascual Fernández in Fermoselle (Zamora) and Bodega Duorum in Foz Côa and the surrounding lands. In the Mariñas – Betanzos area, work will be carried out on plots belonging to Bodega Pagos de Brigante. In all these areas, the project aims to address agricultural and environmental challenges while promoting biodiversity and the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, contributing to climate change resilience and preventing depopulation.

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Method of characterization and evaluation of existing digital solutions on the market

The objective of this pilot action is to jointly develop a method and then characterise existing digital solutions on the market (sensors, remote sensing, remote control, irrigation software). The methodology and evaluation of digital solutions will have been developed jointly and standardised in CESAP, under the coordination of the UPA. The development of the method will be enriched by the participation of the different actors involved in the project and with the results of the other activities of the project: This action will propose recommendations for irrigation sector technicians in the SUDOE for the choice of solutions among the existing product range. It will also identify gaps in the repertoire of available technologies and make recommendations to solution developers on current supply gaps and opportunities for improvement. All this will be available on the SGW platform, which will also constitute a forum for exchange between farmers (technological users), companies (suppliers) and technology centres or universities (evaluating trainers). In this way, farmers in the SUDOE region will be able to share their knowledge about certain tools with their counterparts, while companies and trainers will be able to better understand the needs of users and improve the proposed solutions.

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Demostrador global

Demostrador de diferentes tecnologías desarrolladas en este GT, aplicadas a un caso específico de remanufactura o apoyo a la misma, con un tipo particular de producto. Este demostrador contará con al menos un robot, con acceso a un espacio de trabajo, y un sistema de sensores de acuerdo con las especificaciones obtenidas de las actividades de este GT. Como entrada al demostrador, se incluirá el sistema de detección de daños y/o defectos desarrollado en GT1.

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Pilot actions

The implementation of the 3 pilot actions contributes to the RCO84 Programme Implementation Indicator. Pilot action number 1 will consist of the creation and implementation of an energy community in the town of Bembibre, which will also study the implementation of the results of pilot action number 2 and 3 in order to replicate a sustainable mobility system based on green hydrogen as an engine and take advantage of possible surpluses for the distribution of natural gas. Action number 2 will integrate a self-consumption system and test a hydrogen bike system that will be tested in both Bembibre and Portalegre. Action 3 shall launch a demonstration laboratory in which application simulations will be carried out to adopt solutions to real cases: conversion of traffic, distribution of natural gas, modernisation of agricultural transport, etc.

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Business & Technology Pilot

In France, a global industrial solution for textile waste recycling based on WASTEX technology and partnership with coleo will be implemented. This pilot has the industrial and organizational capacity of the members of RECYCL’Occ Textile. In Portugal, Texteis Penedo and CITEVE will develop new fibres from textile waste. The pilot in Portugal will process textile waste from TEXTEIS PENEDO and local agro-industrial waste in a bio-based formulation used to coat yarns, using a patented Jacquard fabric PP8 technology, to develop textile structures for home textile applications. In Spain, coleo will train partners from France, Spain and Portugal in post-consumer textile waste sorting technology. The waste streams that reach the processing plants will be analysed to characterise the type of waste and establish joint recovery and recovery priorities.

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Piloto 1: Tratamiento de superficies de acero sin Cr(VI).

El PILOTO 1 del proyecto RESINSURF evalúa dos formulaciones para el TRATAMIENTO de superficies de ACERO, ambas libres de cromo hexavalente (Cr(VI)). Se probará una fórmula comercial y otra desarrollada por INEOSURF, buscando proporcionar dureza y resistencia a la corrosión. Además, se implementarán métodos de MONITORIZACIÓN para asegurar la CALIDAD de las piezas tratadas. Este piloto, en colaboración con CIDETEC, INEOSURF y la Universidad de Pau, se validará en Chrome Dur Industriel, promoviendo alternativas más seguras y sostenibles en el TERRITORIO SUDOE.

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Catalogue of pilot actions for forest conservation and resilience

The objective of this catalogue is to present in a synthetic and operational way the pilot actions that are currently experiencing new solutions to conserve forest resources, preserve and strengthen the resilience of forests. Pilot actions to be carried out in the territories (15 pilot sites are already planned) will include three types of solutions: 1/Planting new species and provenances to test their resistance in forests in the long term. This should help environments better cope with different threats. 2/Adoption of specific forestry actions to promote the adaptation and resilience of forests and the maintenance of associated ecosystem services. The aim is to improve, preserve or restore forest cover, for example by enriching the masses, which favors the mixing of species. 3/Implementing actions for the conservation of the forest genetic heritage. These actions aim to respond to important local challenges. The wide variety of forest situations (main objective of the masses, composition in species, age of the masses, etc.) and of the pedocclimatic conditions found must allow a good representativeness of the forest contexts of southwest Europe. The techniques used, the resources mobilised and the results of the pilot actions will be exploited and transferred 1) within the partnership, 2) to other local, regional and national institutions and actors and 3) to other territories of the EU through the European networks of partners and partners to facilitate their ownership. This catalogue will be integrated into the metadata base (ACT2.1) and will illustrate some of the operational recommendations of the Transnational Strategy (achievement of WG1).

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Actividades Piloto en WSN para prevención y para detección precoz de incendios forestales.

Las campañas descritas en GT3 representan Actividades Piloto pioneras en la aplicación de WSN a la prevención y a la detección temprana de incendios forestales de las que hay que destacar la extensión del territorio y la diversidad de las localizaciones, la variedad de sensores meteorológicos y ambientales, la dimensión (número de nodos) de las WSN, la duración de las campañas y la participación de los servicios municipales de lucha contra incendios forestales y la población local. Las Actividades Piloto aunarán el conocimiento y la experiencia en materia de incendios forestales que acumula el consorcio, aportarán nuevos conocimientos, tecnologías y resultados y permitirán extraer conclusiones y aprender lecciones sobre el desempeño de las WSN. El consorcio plasmará el know-how adquirido con motivo de las Actividades Piloto en dos GUÍAS PRÁCTICAS (GP) para la aplicación de WSN a la prevención (GP_Prevención) y a la detección precoz (GP_Detección) de incendios forestales. Las GP servirán de referencia y orientación sobre cómo utilizar las WSN para mejorar la capacidad de anticipación y respuesta de los municipios rurales y sus habitantes ante incendios forestales. Abordarán aspectos tales como la identificación y priorización de zonas vulnerables a incendios idóneas para el establecimiento de WSN, el dimensionamiento y el diseño de WSN, el despliegue de WSN en el terreno, infraestructuras inalámbricas, eficiencia energética y en la transmisión de datos, evaluación de costes, sostenibilidad e impacto ambiental, seguridad física y de la información, participación ciudadana y otros. ICIFOR-INIA CSIC liderará la elaboración de las GP en la que se implicará todo el consorcio. Se entregará una versión preliminar de las GP en el mes 18 y la versión definitiva en el mes 34 del Proyecto.

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Pilot of a 3D visualization room of biological systems.

The implementation of 3D display room prototypes of biological systems will be essential not only to develop drug repositioning strategies, but also, and what is very important, to develop and implement a new pedagogical strategy. This strategy will allow students from different levels and areas of study to come into contact with complex molecular structures, such as therapeutic goals and their interaction with drugs.

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