Idioma proyecto 27: Español

Common transnational strategy of the CaS, as the basis for the development of the Local Action Plan.

Joint definition of a transnational strategy of the CaS that is applied in the Sudoe area to preserve the essential values of the roads, promote natural and material and intangible cultural resources, artisanal production and enhance the duration of the authentic and integral destination that guarantees the inclusive, digital and sustainable development of the Caminos to Santiago as a tourist destination inside the Sudoe space. The strategy will be carried out through a collaborative process between partners and territorial stakeholders for the analysis of needs, risks and opportunities linked to the CaS, with the aim of defining common lines of action for the socio-economic development of the area, which will be tested in the pilot project. This common strategy will be continuously monitored once all 5 pilot areas are launched, and will serve as the basis for the definition of a local action plan that will integrate all final information from the different territories.

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Estrategia transnacional ALERT-PFAS

Plan de acción transnacional para la detección, monitorización en tiempo real y prevención de la contaminación por PFAS, que será implementado, para validación, en el ámbito del proyecto.

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Plan estratégico de medidas de prevención

Planes estratégicos de medidas preventivas, incluyendo manuales de buenas prácticas, dirigidos a las administraciones públicas y otras entidades destinatarias (entidades gestoras de parques naturales, entidades gestoras de aguas, organismos de extinción de incendios, protección civil, etc.).

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White Paper on improving public policies for the prevention and management of frost risk

This document, which will be produced jointly taking into account the results of the pilot tests in each territory, will contain a series of recommendations for its incorporation into public policies on the management of the damage caused by negative climate events in agriculture. Basically, it will promote the transition from an approach based on economic reparation of damages to another that considers anticipation and prevention as central elements. It will also incorporate a rigorous analysis of the role of agricultural insurance in terms of protection against frost risk, making proposals to achieve a work in synergy between insurers and policyholders that reduces the financial burden for both and leads to a balanced sharing of responsibilities and re-assessment of risk in view of existing prevention and mitigation measures.

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Estrategia innovadora para la prevención de los incendios forestales en el territorio Sudoe

Diseño y adopción a nivel de las autoridades locales, regionales y nacionales de una estrategia innovadora para la prevención de los incendios forestales en el territorio Sudoe, incluyendo un informe sobre el desarrollo e implementación de las acciones piloto anteriores (comparación de resultados, plan de sostenibilidad y valoración del potencial de transferibilidad al resto del territorio Sudoe) -beneficiarios del ámbito académico; y el diseño de la propia estrategia -administraciones públicas

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The strategy aims to agree on the long-term objectives and lines of action shared by the consortium that are integrated to improve the prevention and management of fire risk in the forests of the SUDOE space, consolidating the viability of prevention plans through the valorisation of extracted biomass and helping to develop the resilience of forests without compromising their ecosystem, economic and social services. This strategy will be defined around four axes: 1. Fire prevention planning by integrating the preservation of forest biodiversity 2. Innovation in forest biomass harvesting methods 3. Forest management, logistics centres and biomass consumption at local level. 4. Training of staff and staff of qualified crews in sustainable forest management. The strategy shall include: — Diagnostic progress report (A 1.1) and contextualisation of territorial challenges Agreed objectives to address challenges Priority lines of intervention to achieve the objectives Solutions developed and tested in WG 2 and identified good practices — Territorial action plans for the adoption of the strategy. The strategy is oriented to entities of the consortium and other local actors inside and outside the SUDOE territory to adopt the lines of intervention and solutions developed in BIO4RES with the aim of valorising the forest biomass used by the prevention work for its positive impact on the local environment, generating renewable energy, creating employment in rural environments (A 1.3).

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1 Estrategia transnacional de ThermEcoWat

El proyecto ThermEcoWat apuesta por una estrategia transnacional (a título informativo, los 3 análisis socioeconómicos previstos inicialmente para el proyecto ya son entregables). La estrategia sería única y adoptada por las organizaciones, que dispondrían de cierto margen de maniobra para aplicarla (podemos pensar en una estrategia un poco como en una directiva europea).

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