Much of the industrial fabric in the SUDOE space belongs to traditionally manufacturing sectors characterised by small and medium-sized companies that have a low technological
Much of the industrial fabric in the SUDOE space belongs to traditionally manufacturing sectors characterised by small and medium-sized companies that have a low technological
Gran parte del tejido industrial en el espacio SUDOE pertenece a sectores tradicionalmente manufactureros caracterizados por pequeñas y medianas empr…
Implementation of 3 collaborative robot demonstrators in a real productive environment focused on 3 different sectors of high representativeness and economic impact in the SUDOE space (carnic, fruit and plastics) and 3 living labs for the integration and demonstration of the results achieved in the framework of the project to the business fabric and other entities interested in implementing the solutions developed, or equivalent, in their production processes.
This initial deployment serves as a work base to test the different processes of data acquisition, model capacity, simulation of polluting processes, etc. Once the prototype phase is completed, the deployment in the pool of the Institute of Thermalism of the Univ de Bordeaux will be the first pilot.
After the deployment and commissioning of the monitoring and control system, the locations/balconies will become the pilots of the project, where the data captured by the thermal water quality control system will be collected and analysed. These pilots will allow to evaluate the effectiveness of the system in real time and its ability to guarantee water quality in various thermal environments. The results obtained from these pilots will provide nexcessary information for the future implementation of the system in other spas within the Interreg SUDOE territory. Institute of Thermalism of the University of Bordeaux, a pilot in Portugal associated with the thermal pool of associate Gestão de Equipamentos do Município de Chaves, E.M., S.A., a pilot in the pool of the Hervideros de Cofrentes spa, a Pilot will unfold in the thermal pool of the Balneario El Raposo, a pilot will be developed by the associate Caldaria Termal SLU in the Spa of Laias and two pilots in resorts of France to define by HERE O Thermes, thermal cluster Nouvelle-Aquitaine, adding a total of 6 pilots
La implementación de los prototipos de salas de visualización 3D de sistemas biológicos será esencial no solo para desarrollar estrategias de reposicionamiento de fármacos, sino también, y lo que es muy importante, para desarrollar e implementar una nueva estrategia pedagógica. Esta estrategia permitirá que estudiantes de diferentes niveles y áreas de estudio entren en contacto con estructuras moleculares complejas, como los objetivos terapéuticos y su interacción con los medicamentos.
Two pilot actions will be developed and will contribute to the output indicator RCO84. The pilot actions are characterised by their cross-border and cooperative nature between the beneficiaries and the associated partners of the project and aim to implement the results of the study and scientific analysis activities of WG1 and WG2. The first pilot action aims to study the transferability of bio-products validated in the previous activities through the industrial incorporation and marketing of stabilised functional ingredients developed from agroforestry residual biomass. A value chain will be developed between the partners INGREDALIA, TAGUS Valey and ARGAL that will be based on the results of the GT1 and that will result in the testing and possible commercialisation of new sausages with biofunctional ingredients. The second pilot action seeks to replicate a transnational biorefinery process in the agroforestry sector that can be transferred to other entities in the cooperation space. The value chain will consist of the associated partners Alliance Forêts-Bois, Sogibois, FBS, TMAD and ENCE, who will provide the raw materials and partners INPT, INRAE, UVIGO, UMINHO, CETIM and BLC3 Evolution, who will take on the transformation and conversion. The efficiency and feasibility of this process will be analysed in order to study its possible continuity and replicability after the completion of the project. The achievements and results of these actions will in turn feed transnational strategies and provide consortium partners with very useful practical experience to ensure the transfer of validated by-products and processes.
Este logro cumplirá el propósito último del proceso de reposicionamiento de fármacos, que es explorar el potencial para dar una nueva vida a los medicamentos existentes, así como introducir nuevas moléculas adaptadas a necesidades terapéuticas específicas. La materialización de esta realización se hará mediante la disponibilidad de una lista de fármacos con potencial para avanzar en el proceso de reposicionamiento de fármacos. Esto se hará reconociendo el papel de la industria farmacéutica en llevar medicamentos a los pacientes.