The GestEAUr project promotes sustainable and efficient water management in rural SUDOE areas through innovation, collaboration, and solutions tailored to climate change.
The GestEAUr project promotes sustainable and efficient water management in rural SUDOE areas through innovation, collaboration, and solutions tailored to climate change.
The EU textile and fashion industry is facing an unprecedented challenge stemming from the European Green Deal that translates into a series of new mandatory requirements in the management of textile waste, advocating for a circular and sustainable model.
Contexto y Desafío Los recursos de agua dulce de la región SUDOE están sometidos a una creciente presión antrópica, provocando problemas de escasez y de
El proyecto europeo SCAIRA, impulsado por un consorcio transnacional de doce entidades, tiene como principal objetivo asesorar a emprendedores en la creación y aceleración de startups en áreas rurales de España, Francia y Portugal dentro del sector aeroespacial y automotriz.
The European project SOLLAGUA, driven by a transnational consortium of ten entities, promotes nature-based solutions (NBS) for water reuse in rural areas of Spain, Portugal and France.
The main objective of SMART GREEN WATER is to promote common responses to the challenges of agriculture in the SUDOE area, through the implementation of smart specialisation strategies…
Los sistemas de observación climática clasificaron los años 2020, 2022, 2019, 2015 e 2014 como los cinco más calurosos de las últimas cuatro déc…
Con PreDisc se trata de prevenir la discapacidad en personas mayores mediante la promoción de la actividad física regular durante y después de periodos de hospitalización
Context and Challenge The freshwater resources of the SUDOE region are subject to increasing anthropogenic pressure, causing problems of water scarcity and quality, conflicts of
The European project SCAIRA, driven by a transnational consortium of twelve entities, has as its main objective to advise entrepreneurs in the creation and acceleration of startups in rural areas of Spain, France and Portugal within the aerospace and automotive sector.