In recent decades, agriculture has adopted productivist practices based on industrial models to meet the food demand associated with population growth, creating homogeneous production patterns that have transformed landscapes and ignored the multiple functionalities offered by nature. The ECOSPHEREWINES project focuses on improving the landscapes linked to vine cultivation, a fundamental economic and tourist resource in the SUDOE space, especially in the interior territories, affected by depopulation and ageing, where the preservation of natural and environmental capital is crucial for rural communities as it is a source of wealth. The objective of the project is to improve the ecosystem services provided by the agricultural landscapes of the vineyard through the implementation of a green infrastructure network (IV) in areas of high ecological value as a strategy focused on its conservation and sustainable management, improving biodiversity and increasing its resilience to climate change. The ecosystem-based territorial planning approach has already been tested as an effective method for sustainable management and management, especially in urban environments. However, the application of this method in rural areas faces the challenge of the lack of specific data. To address this challenge, the project will analyse the state of the art in terms of IV at various scales of the landscape, identify the factors that drive or hinder its implementation in vineyard landscapes and design and test in two pilots a methodology that allows to select, calculate, measure and map the most relevant ecosystem services at different scales to establish future scenarios that allow to make planning decisions of those vineyard landscapes with similar characteristics, allowing the transfer and capitalisation of the solutions tested at transnational level to develop a more global and holistic management that improves biodiversity, the environment and the tourist and cultural services in the rural areas of the SUDOE space.