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PaĂ­s proyecto 27: France


The European purpose of achieving a climate-neutral economy by 2050 has revived the interest in renewable hydrogen, which is currently postulated as the main player

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The STOP-iatro project brings together a consortium of 6 entities from 3 European countries. The project aims to ensure that professionals involved in care for

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Los territorios del espacio SUDOE albergan una biodiversidad excepcional pero, la aceleraciĂ³n de las consecuencias del calentamiento global, junto co…

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Los sectores de montaña del sudoeste de Europa viven una situaciĂ³n crĂ­tica de despoblaciĂ³n y envejecimiento que hace imprescindible revitalizar su…

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In recent decades, agriculture has adopted productivist practices based on industrial models to meet the food demand associated with population growth, creating homogeneous production patterns

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Hitts faces the following challenges common to the SUDOE space: depopulation, ageing and the leakage of high value-added human resources; Lack of value for heritage,

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La contaminaciĂ³n del agua y de la tierra es un reto comĂºn en el espacio SUDOE. Las deficiencias en el manejo de los suelos agrĂ­colas y ganaderos, y…

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The territories of the SUDOE space are home to exceptional biodiversity, but the acceleration of the consequences of global warming, together with the intensification of

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The mountain sectors of southwestern Europe are experiencing a critical situation of depopulation and ageing, which makes it essential to revitalise their social and productive

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En la Ăºltima dĂ©cada (2012-2022), los paĂ­ses del Sudoe han sufrido un alto nĂºmero de incendios, con una media anual de 222 en España, 213 en Portu…

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