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Periodo: 2021-2027

Plan estratégico de transferencia

El desarrollo de una estrategia transnacional conjunta destinada al impulso del del desarrollo local del desarrollo local a travĂ©s de la generaciĂ³n, almacenamiento y aprovechamiento del hidrĂ³geno verde como vector energĂ©tico integrado en comunidades energĂ©ticas locales contribuye al Indicador de RealizaciĂ³n del Programa RC083. El plan estratĂ©gico se fundamentarĂ¡ en los resultados y aprendizajes de los estudios preparatorios del GT1 y de la implementaciĂ³n de la plataforma predictiva y los modelos de integraciĂ³n de hidrĂ³geno. En ese sentido, se busca ofrecer soluciones individualizadas a las comunidades energĂ©ticas, con especial atenciĂ³n a las Ă¡reas rurales, partiendo del anĂ¡lisis previo del contexto y desafĂ­os del espacio Sudoe. AdemĂ¡s, el testeo de las acciones piloto permitirĂ¡ establecer acciones estratĂ©gicas para su replicabilidad en otras regiones y en las comunidades energĂ©ticas identificadas con anterioridad. El plan estratĂ©gico serĂ¡ difundido entre empresas del sector, clĂºsters, centros educativos y de I+D, asociaciones y, especialmente, entre las autoridades competentes, agencias de energĂ­a y CELs con potencial de transferibilidad.

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Action plan for the technical implementation of solutions

As a result of the implementation of innovative solutions at pilot level, under the coordination of ACMG, an action plan for technical implementation will be developed, which will mean the decline at the operational level of the recommendations contained in the strategic document (White Paper). The document, which is eminently operational, will serve as a detailed guide to the implementation of the solutions tested on a pilot scale by the agricultural production fabric. In addition, it will be a realisation with a key role in transferring results to the whole Sudoe space. Therefore, this realisation is expected to contribute significantly and lastingly to the solution of the problem of spring frost in the Sudoe space.

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Strategy for authorities wishing to make them sustainable solve them

A medium/long term strategy (from 3 to 8 years) will be jointly developed based on the sharing of the results of our multi-stakeholder group animation work at transnational level. Its main objective will be to guide professionals (landscapers, consultants, public and private buyers, scientists, local development associations, site managers) and decision makers (elected representatives, company managers, etc.) towards the means of action available to them to support the long-term viability of the technical solutions tested during the project (collection, planting and monitoring of local indigenous herbaceous seeds, etc.). This strategy will define realistic objectives (taking into account the constraints of these stakeholders) but ambitious enough to support the development of the proposed solutions. It could be broken down into several action plans, tailored to each type of public concerned and their respective areas of competence. We will identify a number of economic and public policy levers that can support this strategy. To facilitate its implementation, the strategy will be accompanied by a number of resources available in open access: training modules for field workers and decision makers, awareness-raising content, a letter of engagement, feedback from multi-stakeholder groups, etc.

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El reto de Ultreia_Sudoe es potenciar el turismo de interior, activar las zonas rurales mediante la puesta en valor de los recursos naturales y cultur…

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Ultreia_SudoeÂ’s challenge is to boost indoor tourism, activate rural areas by enhancing natural and cultural resources, especially agri-food traditions and craftsmanship, linked to the Caminos

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An-Gel Sudoe

Aunque de forma intuitiva el proceso de cambio climĂ¡tico y calentamiento global se asocia a las sequĂ­as, olas de calor o incendios forestales, tambi…

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El reto comĂºn que aborda el proyecto es la modernizaciĂ³n tecnolĂ³gica de los sectores econĂ³micos del Ă¡rea SUDOE, en particular la industria agroal…

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Climate change increases hot and dry conditions that boost the increase and intensity of fires in the SUDOE area. The 2022 fires in rural interior

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The main objective of Newpower is to solve the problems associated with the high generation of agricultural and forest waste, which accumulate more and more

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