HITTS afronta la despoblación y la fuga de talentos en SUDOE, revitalizando el patrimonio rural con turismo sostenible y colaboración público-privada.
HITTS afronta la despoblación y la fuga de talentos en SUDOE, revitalizando el patrimonio rural con turismo sostenible y colaboración público-privada.
Cultur-Monts ofrecerá estrategias para que el patrimonio material e inmaterial de los paisajes culturales de montaña se convierta en una herramienta para el desarrollo territorial sostenible.
The SUDOE is a demographically aged territory that in its interior rural areas presents a situation of increasing depopulation leading to their disappearance. Examples of
Europe is moving towards an ageing society, with the SUDOE territory, and specifically rural environments, having a higher percentage of elderly people and depopulation. Ageing
In Spain, only 49.2 % of patients receive them of the total number of people in need of palliative care (PC). In France, 85 % of people
The STOP-IATRO project, which brings together 6 organizations from 3 European countries, aims to raise awareness among healthcare professionals about the risks of iatrogenesis in older people. Through collective strategies based on WHO recommendations, the project seeks to prevent medical complications that can lead to a loss of autonomy. It focuses on identifying obstacles, developing an inclusive strategy, providing training programs, and carrying out pilot actions to improve the quality of care and prevent the adverse effects of medical treatments.
Hitts faces the following challenges common to the SUDOE space: depopulation, ageing and the leakage of high value-added human resources; Lack of value for heritage,
Cultur-Monts will offer strategies to turn the tangible and intangible heritage of mountain cultural landscapes into a tool for sustainable territorial development.