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Schedule for the 60 minutes with Sudoe

The closing date of the first phase of the second call for projects is approaching (May 31).

After the different webinars organized by the program authorities (see more details here) and after the seminar to present the call for projects, the last support activities for project promoters have just been scheduled.

Different sessions of the “60 Minutes with Sudoe” webinars are scheduled in each of the program languages.

Reserve the following dates on your calendars:

Sessions for Spanish beneficiaries:

May 22, at 10 a.m.

Sessions for French beneficiaries:

May 21, at 10 a.m.

Sessions for Portuguese beneficiaries:

May 21, at 3:30 p.m. (Peninsular time)


As a reminder, the operation of the “60 minutes with Sudoe” sessions is as follows: participants can raise all their questions and concerns to the Joint Secretariat and the National Authorities of each Member State. These last events will be used to finalize the details of your project’s application.

Don’t hesitate to attend!
