Región proyecto 27: Comunidad de Madrid


Much of the industrial fabric in the SUDOE space belongs to traditionally manufacturing sectors characterised by small and medium-sized companies that have a low technological

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Gran parte del tejido industrial en el espacio SUDOE pertenece a sectores tradicionalmente manufactureros caracterizados por pequeñas y medianas empr…

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Context and Challenge The freshwater resources of the SUDOE region are subject to increasing anthropogenic pressure, causing problems of water scarcity and quality, conflicts of

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Climate observation systems ranked the years 2020, 2022, 2019, 2015 and 2014 as the five hottest of the last four decades in Europe. According to

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The European purpose of achieving a climate-neutral economy by 2050 has revived the interest in renewable hydrogen, which is currently postulated as the main player

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ECOSPHEREWINES will conserve and manage the vineyard in a sustainable way, promoting biodiversity and increasing its resilience to climate change.

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I-ReWater analiza el estado actual de los recursos hídricos en el espacio SUDOE, prestando especial atención al uso de aguas regeneradas en la agric…

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The Project will demonstrate the feasibility of low-cost wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for application in forest fire surveillance and early warning systems. To assess the

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El proyecto GestEAUr impulsa la gestión sostenible y eficaz del agua en zonas rurales del SUDOE mediante la innovación, la colaboración y soluciones adaptadas al cambio climático.

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Los recursos de agua dulce de la región SUDOE están sometidos a una creciente presión antrópica, lo que provoca problemas de escasez y de calidad …

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