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RegiĂ³n proyecto 27: Languedoc-Roussillon (Occitanie)


Los recursos de agua dulce de la regiĂ³n SUDOE estĂ¡n sometidos a una creciente presiĂ³n antrĂ³pica, lo que provoca problemas de escasez y de calidad …

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In recent decades, agriculture has adopted productivist practices based on industrial models to meet the food demand associated with population growth, creating homogeneous production patterns

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El propĂ³sito europeo de alcanzar una economĂ­a climĂ¡ticamente neutra para el año 2050 ha reavivado el interĂ©s en el hidrĂ³geno renovable, que se p…

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The territories of the SUDOE space are home to exceptional biodiversity, but the acceleration of the consequences of global warming, together with the intensification of

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ECOSPHEREWINES permitirĂ¡ conservar y gestionar el viñedo de forma sostenible, promoviendo la biodiversidad y aumentando su resiliencia al cambio climĂ¡tico.

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RESINSURF aims to establish a homogeneous strategy for replacing toxic hexavalent chromium-based surface treatments. It focuses not only on developing more environmentally friendly technologies but also on their digitalization and cohesive transfer throughout the SUDOE territory, through workshops and open days aimed at professionals and students related to the sector. The project is funded by the INTERREG SUDOE Program and contributes to the program by proposing greener, more competitive, and smarter solutions that will improve the environment and the health of workers in the sector in a coordinated manner throughout the SUDOE territory.

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Los territorios del espacio SUDOE albergan una biodiversidad excepcional pero, la aceleraciĂ³n de las consecuencias del calentamiento global, junto co…

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The EU textile and fashion industry is facing an unprecedented challenge stemming from the European Green Deal that translates into a series of new mandatory

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RESINSURF tiene como objetivo establecer una estrategia homogĂ©nea para la sustituciĂ³n de los tratamientos de superficie a base de cromo hexavalente tĂ³xico. Se centra no solo en el desarrollo de tecnologĂ­as mĂ¡s respetuosas con el medio ambiente, sino tambiĂ©n en su digitalizaciĂ³n y transferencia cohesiva en todo el territorio SUDOE, mediante talleres y jornadas de puertas abiertas orientadas a profesionales y estudiantes relacionados con el sector.
El proyecto estĂ¡ financiado por el Programa INTERREG SUDOE y contribuye al programa proponiendo soluciones mĂ¡s verdes, competitivas e inteligentes que mejorarĂ¡n el medio ambiente y la salud de los trabajadores del sector de manera coordinada en todo el territorio SUDOE.

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The main objective of SMART GREEN WATER is to promote common responses to the challenges of agriculture in the SUDOE area, through the implementation of smart specialisation strategies…

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