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RegiĂ³n proyecto 27: Principado de Asturias


El cambio climĂ¡tico incrementa las condiciones calientes y secas que potencian el aumento e intensidad de los incendios en el Ă¡rea SUDOE. Los incend…

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Los sectores de montaña del sudoeste de Europa viven una situaciĂ³n crĂ­tica de despoblaciĂ³n y envejecimiento que hace imprescindible revitalizar su…

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Climate change increases hot and dry conditions that boost the increase and intensity of fires in the SUDOE area. The 2022 fires in rural interior areas particularly affected natural parks

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The mountain sectors of southwestern Europe are experiencing a critical situation of depopulation and ageing, which makes it essential to revitalise their social and productive structure. This project faces this

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