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Región proyecto 27: Región de Murcia


El proyecto europeo SCAIRA, impulsado por un consorcio transnacional de doce entidades, tiene como principal objetivo asesorar a emprendedores en la creación y aceleración de startups en áreas rurales de España, Francia y Portugal dentro del sector aeroespacial y automotriz.

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HITTS afronta la despoblación y la fuga de talentos en SUDOE, revitalizando el patrimonio rural con turismo sostenible y colaboración público-privada.

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The forest systems of the SUDOE space are affected by specific climate risks such as droughts, pests, fires, the risk of desertification and biodiversity loss. These are aggravated by other

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No rural Sudoe, or increase in temperatures, or increase in dryness, to water shortages and conflitos hair use da terra, ameaçam as Produções agricultural, to solidity das infraestruturas and to

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An-Gel Sudoe

Although intuitively the process of climate change and global warming is associated with droughts, heat waves or forest fires, it also causes very negative effects on agriculture, by altering the

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The territories of the SUDOE space are home to exceptional biodiversity, but the acceleration of the consequences of global warming, together with the intensification of human activities in some cases,

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While manufacturing companies place innovation as a top priority to address the environmental crisis, most lack solutions tailored to current and future challenges to be implemented at their facilities. In

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Hitts faces the following challenges common to the SUDOE space: depopulation, ageing and the leakage of high value-added human resources; Lack of value for heritage, including artistic and cultural heritage,

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Los sistemas forestales del espacio SUDOE se ven afectados por riesgos climáticos específicos como son las sequías, las plagas, los incendios, el r…

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No Sudoe rural, o aumento das temperaturas, o aumento das secas, a escassez de água e os conflitos pelo uso da terra, ameaçam as produções agríco…

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