Estrategia transnacional ALERT-PFAS
Plan de acción transnacional para la detección, monitorización en tiempo real y prevención de la contaminación por PFAS, que será implementado, para validación, en el ámbito del proyecto.
Plan de acción transnacional para la detección, monitorización en tiempo real y prevención de la contaminación por PFAS, que será implementado, para validación, en el ámbito del proyecto.
The TARGET Strategy shall establish a jointly developed and applicable method in the SUDOE space for: • One objective: the implementation of action plans for the sustainable management of water resources (SWRM) and the prevention of crisis situations linked to water scarcity through the integration of solutions for the use of non-conventional water resources (RANC). • Two scales of application: possible deployment at hydrographic scale, of the river basin, to identify and understand the problems by studying the suitability of the RANC, and at the local level of competition (water-sanitation, development, etc.), allowing the optimisation of the RANC. • Three principles to consider: improving the efficient use of water for all stakeholders; revalue non-conventional waters (reclaimed waters, rainwater, grey water, desalination, etc.); and put the necessary means through technical, economic and social innovation. • Four pillars to apply: consultation – state of play (current problems) – consultation – climate and socio-economic forecasting (future problems) – drawing up an action plan (actions/solutions to address problems). This method, as a toolbox of the GSRH, can be deployed differently depending on the territorial scale (local or basin) and the progress of the use of CRRs (opportunity, feasibility, improvement, etc.). It will propose solutions that have been tested through pilot actions (GT1) and demonstration actions (GT2). After analysing the transfer and replicability conditions (GT3), the TARGET Strategy will be adapted so that it can be applied throughout the SUDOE space, taking into account the different territorial levels. It will be adopted by at least 2 project partners (GRANOLLERS – Spain and EPIDOR – France) and at two territorial levels (local and river basin).
Planes estratégicos de medidas preventivas, incluyendo manuales de buenas prácticas, dirigidos a las administraciones públicas y otras entidades destinatarias (entidades gestoras de parques naturales, entidades gestoras de aguas, organismos de extinción de incendios, protección civil, etc.).
1 strategy to launch Living Labs focused on water for SBN and reuse (NB- Woll) will be developed. It will describe the overall method and implementation structure of NB- Woll based on a Quadruple Helice (ENoLL) approach to develop innovative solutions through a collaborative co-creation model involving all stakeholders in the water reuse value chain. The strategy will present a tailor-made approach, in which solutions will be defined according to demand. 1 action plan will be created to implement the NB-Woll strategy based on the experience of the 3 demonstrators.
Ultreia_Sudoes challenge is to boost indoor tourism, activate rural areas by enhancing natural and cultural resources, especially agri-food traditions and craftsmanship, linked to the Caminos
El reto de Ultreia_Sudoe es potenciar el turismo de interior, activar las zonas rurales mediante la puesta en valor de los recursos naturales y cultur…
El proyecto GestEAUr impulsa la gestión sostenible y eficaz del agua en zonas rurales del SUDOE mediante la innovación, la colaboración y soluciones adaptadas al cambio climático.
El proyecto Fashion Forward aborda los desafíos que enfrenta la industria textil y de la moda en la UE debido al Pacto Verde Europeo, que exige una gestión más sostenible y circular de los residuos textiles.
The territories of the SUDOE space are home to exceptional biodiversity, but the acceleration of the consequences of global warming, together with the intensification of
Hitts faces the following challenges common to the SUDOE space: depopulation, ageing and the leakage of high value-added human resources; Lack of value for heritage,