Región proyecto 27: Auvergne (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)


Gran parte del tejido industrial en el espacio SUDOE pertenece a sectores tradicionalmente manufactureros caracterizados por pequeñas y medianas empr…

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Much of the industrial fabric in the SUDOE space belongs to traditionally manufacturing sectors characterised by small and medium-sized companies that have a low technological

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El reto común que aborda el proyecto es la modernización tecnológica de los sectores económicos del área SUDOE, en particular la industria agroal…

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El proyecto HENKO NET, busca transformar la atención sociosanitaria de los cuidados paliativos en el hogar, desde las experiencias que importan a las personas y con el apoyo de las tecnologías.

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Cultur-Monts ofrecerá estrategias para que el patrimonio material e inmaterial de los paisajes culturales de montaña se convierta en una herramienta para el desarrollo territorial sostenible.

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Climate change increases hot and dry conditions that boost the increase and intensity of fires in the SUDOE area. The 2022 fires in rural interior

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No rural Sudoe, or increase in temperatures, or increase in dryness, to water shortages and conflitos hair use da terra, ameaçam as Produções agricultural, to

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Climate observation systems ranked the years 2020, 2022, 2019, 2015 and 2014 as the five hottest of the last four decades in Europe. According to

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The SUDOE has extensive and varied forest areas that provide numerous services (wood production, soil stabilisation, CO2 storage, water quality, rich biodiversity…). The forest and

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The territories of the SUDOE space are home to exceptional biodiversity, but the acceleration of the consequences of global warming, together with the intensification of

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