Estado proyecto 27: On going


The forest systems of the SUDOE space are affected by specific climate risks such as droughts, pests, fires, the risk of desertification and biodiversity loss.

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RESINSURF aims to replace toxic surface treatments with safer and smarter eco-friendly alternatives. The project offers workshops and training to educate professionals and students in the SUDOE region, helping companies comply with European Union regulations.

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Los territorios del espacio SUDOE albergan una biodiversidad excepcional pero, la aceleración de las consecuencias del calentamiento global, junto co…

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HITTS afronta la despoblación y la fuga de talentos en SUDOE, revitalizando el patrimonio rural con turismo sostenible y colaboración público-privada.

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Forest areas, which are extensive in the SUDOE area and in the regions participating in the project, are fundamental for biodiversity and suffer intensely from the effects of climate change (increase in temperature, reduction in average rainfall and its inter-annual variability).

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La contaminación del agua y de la tierra es un reto común en el espacio SUDOE. Las deficiencias en el manejo de los suelos agrícolas y ganaderos, y…

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Cultur-Monts ofrecerá estrategias para que el patrimonio material e inmaterial de los paisajes culturales de montaña se convierta en una herramienta para el desarrollo territorial sostenible.

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Climate change increases hot and dry conditions that boost the increase and intensity of fires in the SUDOE area. The 2022 fires in rural interior

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The main objective of Newpower is to solve the problems associated with the high generation of agricultural and forest waste, which accumulate more and more

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En la última década (2012-2022), los países del Sudoe han sufrido un alto número de incendios, con una media anual de 222 en España, 213 en Portu…

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