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Objetivo especĂ­fico proyecto 27: SO 2.5 (...) Access to water / sustainable water management


Los recursos de agua dulce de la regiĂ³n SUDOE estĂ¡n sometidos a una creciente presiĂ³n antrĂ³pica, lo que provoca problemas de escasez y de calidad …

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Rural areas of SUDOE present multiple common challenges in relation to the integral water cycle: the scarcity of water resources (aggravated by climate change), the

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Los sistemas de observaciĂ³n climĂ¡tica clasificaron los años 2020, 2022, 2019, 2015 e 2014 como los cinco mĂ¡s calurosos de las Ăºltimas cuatro dĂ©c…

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The European project SOLLAGUA, driven by a transnational consortium of ten entities, promotes nature-based solutions (NBS) for water reuse in rural areas of Spain, Portugal and France.

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The freshwater resources of the SUDOE region are under increasing anthropic pressure, leading to problems of scarcity and water quality, conflicts of use and risks

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Climate observation systems ranked the years 2020, 2022, 2019, 2015 and 2014 as the five hottest of the last four decades in Europe. According to

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