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Prioridad proyecto 27: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors

ImplementaciĂ³n y pruebas de un programa de creaciĂ³n/aceleraciĂ³n de start-ups en zonas rurales

Este programa conjunto de aceleraciĂ³n adoptado por las organizaciones serĂ¡ la culminaciĂ³n de la aplicaciĂ³n de una estrategia comĂºn adoptada por las seis incubadoras (CARO, HIESE, IMT Alès, Albi, CEEIM, FUNDECYT). La adopciĂ³n exitosa de la estrategia serĂ¡ posible gracias a las reuniones bimensuales del consorcio y a travĂ©s de los resultados. De hecho, cada entregable contendrĂ¡ una secciĂ³n de “mejores prĂ¡cticas” que permitirĂ¡ a los miembros del consorcio, pero tambiĂ©n a los demĂ¡s lectores del entregable, implementar la metodologĂ­a SCAIRA definida en la estrategia del proyecto. Renault y AIRBUS ATLANTIC, como fabricantes directamente afectados por esta necesidad de transiciĂ³n ecolĂ³gica en sus respectivos ecosistemas, participarĂ¡n activamente en la implementaciĂ³n de la estrategia. Las habilidades combinadas de las incubadoras y ecosistemas de los clĂºsteres, asĂ­ como el apoyo de los 6 industriales (incluidos Airbus Atlantic y Renault España) crearĂ¡n y brindarĂ¡n servicios especializados para acelerar la implementaciĂ³n de soluciones ecolĂ³gicas innovadoras en las empresas manufactureras en las regiones de SCAIRA.

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Implementation & testing of a start-up creation/acceleration program in rural areas

This joint acceleration programme adopted by organisations will be the culmination of the implementation of a common strategy adopted by the six incubators (CARO, HIESE, IMT Alès, Albi, CEEIM, FUNDECYT). The successful adoption of the strategy will be made possible through the bi-monthly meetings of the consortium and through the deliverables. Indeed, each deliverable will contain a “best practices” section that will allow the members of the consortium but also the other readers of the deliverable to implement the SCAIRA methodology defined in the project strategy. Renault and AIRBUS ATLANTIC, as manufacturers directly concerned by this need for environmental transition in their respective ecosystems, will actively participate in the implementation of the strategy. The combined skills of the clusters’ incubators & ecosystems, as well as the support of the 6 industrialists (including Airbus Atlantic and Renault Espana) will create and deliver specialized services to accelerate the implementation of innovative green solutions in manufacturing companies in SCAIRA’s regions.

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Piloto de gamificaciĂ³n

Este piloto tendrĂ¡ por objetivo la comunidad educativa y desplegarĂ¡ un programa de gamificaciĂ³n en escuelas que fomente el cambio de mentalidad en los mĂ¡s pequeños. El programa involucrarĂ¡ a 50 escuelas durante 4-6 semanas. Se organizarĂ¡n carreras de recogida de ropa con municipios y gestores de residuos textil. Se realizarĂ¡n talleres prĂ¡cticos de upcycling y reparaciĂ³n y los alumnos recogerĂ¡n en las escuelas ropa en desuso de sus familias y entorno social.

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Piloto de gamificaciĂ³n

This pilot will target the educational community and will deploy a gamification program in schools that encourages mentality change in children. The program will involve 50 schools for 4-6 weeks. Clothing collection races will be organised with municipalities and textile waste managers. Practical upcycling and repair workshops will be held and students will collect from schools disused clothing from their families and social environment.

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Global Demonstrator

Demonstrator of different technologies developed in this GT, applied to a specific case of remanufacturing or support for it, with a particular type of product. This demonstrator will have at least one robot, with access to a workspace, and a sensor system according to the specifications obtained from the activities of this GT. As input to the demonstrator, the damage or defect detection system developed in GT1 will be included.

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Piloto de sala de visualizaciĂ³n 3D de sistemas biolĂ³gicos.

La implementaciĂ³n de los prototipos de salas de visualizaciĂ³n 3D de sistemas biolĂ³gicos serĂ¡ esencial no solo para desarrollar estrategias de reposicionamiento de fĂ¡rmacos, sino tambiĂ©n, y lo que es muy importante, para desarrollar e implementar una nueva estrategia pedagĂ³gica. Esta estrategia permitirĂ¡ que estudiantes de diferentes niveles y Ă¡reas de estudio entren en contacto con estructuras moleculares complejas, como los objetivos terapĂ©uticos y su interacciĂ³n con los medicamentos.

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Launch of two Pilots to replace negative environmental impact components with others to drive smart and sustainable growth of the SUDOE space. P1 Validation Cr (VI) replacement process in chromium electrodeposition. P2 Validation Cr (VI) replacement process in the protection of light alloys.

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Lista de fĂ¡rmacos para reposicionamiento.

Este logro cumplirĂ¡ el propĂ³sito Ăºltimo del proceso de reposicionamiento de fĂ¡rmacos, que es explorar el potencial para dar una nueva vida a los medicamentos existentes, asĂ­ como introducir nuevas molĂ©culas adaptadas a necesidades terapĂ©uticas especĂ­ficas. La materializaciĂ³n de esta realizaciĂ³n se harĂ¡ mediante la disponibilidad de una lista de fĂ¡rmacos con potencial para avanzar en el proceso de reposicionamiento de fĂ¡rmacos. Esto se harĂ¡ reconociendo el papel de la industria farmacĂ©utica en llevar medicamentos a los pacientes.

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Pilot activities in WSN for prevention and early detection of forest fires.

The campaigns described in GT3 represent pioneering Pilot Activities in the application of WSN to the prevention and early detection of forest fires, highlighting the extent of the territory and the diversity of locations, the variety of meteorological and environmental sensors, the size (number of nodes) of the WSNs, the duration of the campaigns and the participation of municipal forest fire fighting services and the local population. The Pilot Activities will bring together the knowledge and experience of forest fires accumulated by the consortium, bring new knowledge, technologies and results and allow to draw conclusions and learn lessons on the performance of WSNs. The consortium will translate the know-how acquired on the occasion of the Pilot Activities in two Practical GUIDES (GP) for the application of WSN to the prevention (GP_Prevention) and the early detection (GP_Detection) of forest fires. The GPs will serve as a reference and guidance on how to use WSNs to improve the anticipation and response capacity of rural municipalities and their inhabitants to forest fires. They will address aspects such as the identification and prioritisation of fire-vulnerable zones suitable for the establishment of WSN, WSN sizing and design, WSN deployment in the field, wireless infrastructure, energy efficiency and data transmission, cost assessment, sustainability and environmental impact, physical and information security, citizen participation and others. ICIFOR-INIA CSIC will lead the development of the GPs in which the entire consortium will be involved. A preliminary version of the GPs will be delivered in month 18 and the final version in month 34 of the Project.

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