Prioridad proyecto 27: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors

Training programme for irrigators in Catalonia, Andalusia, Murcia, N.-Aquitaine and Alentejo.

This pilot project aims to launch 2 training programmes: — For irrigators in the use of digital technologies to improve their water use efficiency. — For irrigation communities and other actors in the collective management of water resources, to develop strategies for water management in the event of drought, using digital technologies. The training programmes will have been drawn up jointly at CESAP, under the coordination of the UPA. The pilot action will be implemented in the design and implementation of online training programmes in French, Spanish and Portuguese. The content of the programmes will be developed and implemented based on the needs identified in the diagnosis and to complement existing training courses. These online programmes will be complemented by the organisation of technological demonstration days in at least Nueva Aquitaine, Andalusia, Catalonia and Portugal. The action will ultimately be evaluated by CESAP. The aim will be to adapt the solution so that it can be integrated into the SGW Strategy, as well as facilitating its transfer to other SUDOE regions.

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Establecimiento de protocolos de cooperación entre las instituciones.

La creación de protocolos de cooperación es esencial para consolidar la colaboración entre las diferentes instituciones y alinearlas hacia una meta de investigación compartida. Estos protocolos aseguran una dirección coherente, abordajes diversificados y establecen los compromisos y procedimientos necesarios para la gestión eficaz de los proyectos. Esta implementación actuará como una semilla que nutrirá el futuro de la investigación en reposicionamiento de fármacos en el espacio SUDOE.

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Postgraduate course in “Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Risk Management”

This Action Plan aims to transmit the knowledge, technologies, developments and results of the Project to current and future professionals of the Sudoe. A transnational and interuniversity postgraduate course (hereinafter the Course) will be promoted to train professionals with a highly multidisciplinary profile in a variety of essential WSN technologies such as Sensor Science and Technology, Intelligent Devices and Systems, Wireless Technologies, Energy Microgeneration Technologies, Data Science and Technology, Cloud Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and others. The Course will show how to integrate these technologies into WSNs and how to adapt WSNs to local contexts so that their implementation, operation and maintenance is economically viable and sustainable over time. It will also show examples of applications from WSNs to environmental risk management in rural areas. The format of the Course will be that of ONLINE MASIVO and OPEN COURSE (MOOC), in which the consortium has previous experience; for example, the MOOC in “Low-cost sensors for air quality monitoring” of the NanoSen-AQM (Interreg V-B Sudoe) project. Two editions of the MOOC will be held in years 2 and 3 of the Project and the final version will be delivered in month 34. The University of Coimbra (FCTUC/DEI) will lead the Action Plan in which the beneficiary universities (B6, B8 and B9) and partners (A4) of the Project will participate. The R & D centres (B1, B2, B3, B11 and B12) will collaborate in the preparation of the Action Plan and provide training in the Course. CSIC and CNRS have a wide territorial implementation in ES and FR, share mixed centers and associated units with national universities and maintain collaborations with universities in other countries. This will make it possible to expand the number of participating universities and extend the scope of the Course to other regions of the Sudoe, as well as to other EU countries.

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Red en cooperación

Creación de una red de expertos científico-técnicos, entre universidades y centros tecnológicos, con una estrategia y plan de acción común, enfocada a compartir conocimiento y transferir tecnología al tejido empresarial, para promover el desarrollo y adaptación de soluciones de robótica colaborativa impulsada por IA por parte de las pymes de los sectores tradicional y artesanal del espacio SUDOE.

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Application of WSN in municipal action plans and self-protection against forest fires

This Action Plan aims to promote the implementation of WSN in municipal action plans and self-protection against forest fires (PAMIF and PAIF) in the Sudoe. The municipalities of the pilot areas of Spain and Portugal will draw up plans to implement the WSNs in PAMIF and PAIF in the municipalities. This will be supported by own knowledge and experience in the application of technology in other areas (e.g. air quality), as well as on the knowledge and experience provided by the Project (GT3 and R3.1). The municipalities will establish the specific objectives of the plan, the municipal services that will be involved in its implementation, the chain of command and operations and the protocols of action. They will determine the material and human resources, infrastructures, equipment and training and training of the equipment necessary for the integration of WSNs. They will assess costs and identify sources of funding. The municipalities shall submit the plans to the competent higher authority, which shall decide on them. These are the Agência para a Gestão Integrada de Fogos Rurais (AGIF) of Portugal and the Directorate-General for Forest Policy of the Autonomous Communities in Spain. Public administrations and agencies will decide on the convenience/need to strengthen prevention and early detection in forest fire defence policies in the Sudoe. They will assess the advantages and benefits of the application of wireless sensor networks to forest fire management. JCYL DG Cultural Heritage will lead this realisation in which all the administrations and public agencies participating in the Project will participate.

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Estrategia común de gestión y control de la calidad de las aguas termales

Estrategia conjunta de gestión y control de la calidad de las aguas termales en el territorio Interreg SUDOE con el objetivo de valorizar, preservar y optimizar este valioso recurso natural en la región. El equipo de proyecto, de forma conjunta y junto con los Asociados, desarrollará dicha estrategia y evaluará la viabilidad y pertinencia de la creación de una entidad multirregional dedicada a la promoción de la aplicación de elementos automáticos de control de la calidad de las aguas y de su valor mineromedicinal así como a la gestión de los sistemas de captura de datos, a los modelos de predicción y a los datos obtenidos.

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Method to identify industrial and territorial problems and provide solutions to solve them

The methodology will be built in conjunction with the clusters and incubators of the SCAIRA project and will be validated by the public authorities. It will detail the following steps: the mapping of local ecosystems, the establishment of the database, the organisation of external audits and analyses, the organisation of local workshops, the description of the Design Thinking method and the questionnaire used, the organisation of the final session, as well as the integration of comments from taxpayers and public authorities in terms of the methodology and relevance of the identified challenges. Secondly, the methodology for emerging solutions will also be built in conjunction with incubators and CTAs. It will take the concepts of the Sustainable Innovation Challenge developed by IMT Albi and optimise them to meet SCAIRA’s transnational objectives. This methodology will be tested during GT1 by the 5 incubators in the aeronautical and automotive sectors. It has set a target of 6 industrial and territorial challenges to be identified through the methodology developed, as well as the realisation of 2 emergency events, one in 2024 and the other in 2025. These 2 events will be Hackathons organised in a hybrid way with an event organised in person in one of the Spanish, Portuguese and French incubators. In practice, 3 events will be organised on the same date of 2024 in the facilities of HIESE (Portugal), CEEIM (Spain) and IMT Albi (France) with joint live presentations and a common agenda. By 2025 it will be organised in the facilities of HIESE (Portugal), FUNDECYT (Spain) and CARO (France).

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Estrategias transfronterizas

Se desarrollará una Estrategia para la Aplicación y Comercialización de Subproductos de Biomasas Residuales y una Estrategia para el Desarrollo de Procesos Transfronterizos de Biorrefinería que contribuirán al indicador de realización RCO83. Estas estrategias serán fundamentales para la transferencia exitosa de subproductos de biomasa residual a otros sectores económicos dentro del área de cooperación del espacio Sudoe y para la replicación de procesos transfronterizos por parte de otras organizaciones. Respecto a la primera estrategia, ésta está enfocada en identificar y promover el uso de los subproductos de biomasa residual más viables en diferentes sectores económicos dentro del espacio Sudoe. Para lograr esto, se recopilarán lecciones aprendidas y buenas prácticas derivadas de las acciones piloto y actividades anteriores del proyecto. Esta estrategia también establecerá acciones continuas y definirá los sectores económicos con el mayor potencial para su replicabilidad. En el marco de implementación de esta estrategia, se proporcionará orientación y asesoramiento a las entidades que busquen comercializar y aplicar los subproductos testeados y se promoverá la adopción de medidas públicas en el ámbito de la reducción de residuos de biomasa agrícola y forestal. La segunda estrategia destacará los procesos de biorrefinería que han demostrado ser efectivos y eficientes en la conversión de biomasa residual y que puedan ser replicados por otras organizaciones en el área de cooperación. Se identificarán empresas proveedoras de materias primas y empresas comercializadoras en los cadenas de valor de los sectores seleccionados con el fin de impulsar nuevas colaboraciones transnacionales que fomenten la economía circular en distintas industrias. Para la implementación de esta estrategia, se organizará el programa de matching transfronterizo y se efectuarán propuestas políticas de cooperación transfronteriza entre las autoridades públicas.

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The SMART GREEN WATER (SGW) strategy is a transnational strategy for the development and provision of solutions that respond to the needs of sustainable and digital agriculture through the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) in the SUDOE space. The SGW Strategy will propose a jointly developed method to be applied to increase digital skills in water management for agricultural use in the project regions and adaptable to other SUDOE regions. It shall define the objectives and indicators to be achieved and the necessary levers for action in each of the Regions. The strategy will be constructed in a way that will usefully complement the objectives of existing S3s and future S3s for the period 2027-2034. Tested through pilot actions and demonstration projects, the SGW strategy will propose solutions for better targeting farmers towards tools adapted to their needs (1.3), training in these tools (2.2), the transnational consolidation of digital tools for irrigation management, through experimentation in several Regions (2.3). Solutions will also be proposed to connect technology companies with farmers, in order to boost supply and demand and matching needs and solutions. It will be reflected in an action plan for the digitisation of water use by farmers in Catalonia, which will serve as a reference for the other regions of the SUDOE territory. This action plan, drawn up jointly, will list the resources needed to achieve the various objectives: actors, tools, financing, links with other sectoral policies (water, agriculture). A dissemination plan will be developed and implemented to encourage the adoption of the SGW strategy by the competent authorities of the project regions and its implementation in the short and medium term.

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Guía de Ecodiseño para facilitar la remanufactura

Guía de ecodiseño que describen propuestas y protocolos para el diseño y la fabricación de productos, mejorando su futura remanufactura. Este conjunto de directrices formará una estrategia que las empresas pueden adoptar para mejorar la circularidad de su producción, creando productos más sostenibles. También contendrá un plan de acción con pasos específicos sobre cómo adoptar las propuestas en esta estrategia.

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