Prioridad proyecto 27: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors

Pilot activities in WSN for prevention and early detection of forest fires.

The campaigns described in GT3 represent pioneering Pilot Activities in the application of WSN to the prevention and early detection of forest fires, highlighting the extent of the territory and the diversity of locations, the variety of meteorological and environmental sensors, the size (number of nodes) of the WSNs, the duration of the campaigns and the participation of municipal forest fire fighting services and the local population. The Pilot Activities will bring together the knowledge and experience of forest fires accumulated by the consortium, bring new knowledge, technologies and results and allow to draw conclusions and learn lessons on the performance of WSNs. The consortium will translate the know-how acquired on the occasion of the Pilot Activities in two Practical GUIDES (GP) for the application of WSN to the prevention (GP_Prevention) and the early detection (GP_Detection) of forest fires. The GPs will serve as a reference and guidance on how to use WSNs to improve the anticipation and response capacity of rural municipalities and their inhabitants to forest fires. They will address aspects such as the identification and prioritisation of fire-vulnerable zones suitable for the establishment of WSN, WSN sizing and design, WSN deployment in the field, wireless infrastructure, energy efficiency and data transmission, cost assessment, sustainability and environmental impact, physical and information security, citizen participation and others. ICIFOR-INIA CSIC will lead the development of the GPs in which the entire consortium will be involved. A preliminary version of the GPs will be delivered in month 18 and the final version in month 34 of the Project.

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Training programme for irrigators in Catalonia, Andalusia, Murcia, N.-Aquitaine and Alentejo.

This pilot project aims to launch 2 training programmes: — For irrigators in the use of digital technologies to improve their water use efficiency. — For irrigation communities and other actors in the collective management of water resources, to develop strategies for water management in the event of drought, using digital technologies. The training programmes will have been drawn up jointly at CESAP, under the coordination of the UPA. The pilot action will be implemented in the design and implementation of online training programmes in French, Spanish and Portuguese. The content of the programmes will be developed and implemented based on the needs identified in the diagnosis and to complement existing training courses. These online programmes will be complemented by the organisation of technological demonstration days in at least Nueva Aquitaine, Andalusia, Catalonia and Portugal. The action will ultimately be evaluated by CESAP. The aim will be to adapt the solution so that it can be integrated into the SGW Strategy, as well as facilitating its transfer to other SUDOE regions.

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Despliegue del sistema de monitorización y control en ubicaciones reales

Tras el despliegue y puesta en marcha del sistema de monitorización y control, las ubicaciones/balnearios se convertirán en los pilotos del proyecto, donde se recopilarán y analizarán los datos capturados por el sistema de control de calidad de las aguas termales. Estos pilotos permitirán evaluar la efectividad del sistema en tiempo real y su capacidad para garantizar la calidad del agua en diversos entornos termales. Los resultados obtenidos de estos pilotos proporcionarán información nexcesaria para la futura implementación del sistema en otros balnearios dentro del territorio Interreg SUDOE. Instituto de Termalismo de la Universidad de Burdeos, un piloto en Portugal asociado a la piscina termal del asociado Gestão de Equipamentos do Município de Chaves , E.M., S.A., un piloto en el la piscina del balneario de Hervideros de Cofrentes, un Piloto se deasarrollará en la piscina termal del Balneario El Raposo, un piloto se desarrollará por el asociado Caldaria Termal SLU en el Balneario de Laias y dos pilotos en balnearios de Francia a definir por AQUI O Thermes, cluster thermal Nouvelle-Aquitaine, sumando un total de 6 pilotos

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Digital twins of irrigated plots in Catalonia, Andalusia, Murcia, N.Aquitaine and Alentejo

The objective of this pilot project is to develop “digital twins” of cultivation and irrigation systems for several pilot plots distributed by SUDOE. The methodology will have been developed jointly and standardised at CESAP, under the coordination of the UCO. The objective will be to create “digital twins” (MD) for pilot plots in the regions of Catalonia, Andalusia, Murcia, Nueva Aquitania and Alentejo in voluntary irrigation farms. The implementation of this action will allow irrigators to better plan and manage their irrigation water thanks to this decision-making tool, as well as through exchanges of experience with other SUDOE farmers. The activity will be evaluated jointly by CESAP, based on farmers’ comments on the use of these technologies. This evaluation will allow the solution to be adapted so that it can be integrated into the SGW Strategy, as well as facilitating its transfer to other SUDOE regions. The evaluation will also serve to provide feedback to providers of this type of service and potential technical support companies. The objective will be to improve the tool and encourage its deployment in other holdings, including small and medium-sized farms, the priority objective of the SGW project.

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Acciones Piloto

Se desarrollarán dos acciones piloto que contribuirán al indicador de realización RCO84. Las acciones piloto se caracterizan por su carácter transfronterizo y de cooperación entre los beneficiarios y los socios asociados del proyecto y pretenden poner en práctica los resultados de las actividades de estudio y análisis científico de los GT1 y GT2. La primera acción piloto pretende estudiar la transferencia de la aplicabilidad de los bioproductos validados en las anteriores actividades mediante la incorporación industrial y la comercialización de los ingredientes funcionales estabilizados desarrollados a partir de biomasas residuales agroforestales. Se desarrollará una cadena de valor entre los socios INGREDALIA, TAGUS VALEY y ARGAL que se basarán en los resultados del GT1 y que resultarán en el testeo y posible comercialización de nuevos embutidos con ingredientes biofuncionales. La segunda acción piloto busca replicar un proceso de biorrefinería transnacional en el sector agroforestal que pueda ser transferido a otras entidades del espacio de cooperación. La cadena de valor estará conformada por los socios asociados Alliance Forêts-Bois, Sogibois, FBS, TMAD y ENCE, que proveerán las materias primas y los socios INPT, INRAE, UVIGO, UMINHO, CETIM y BLC3 Evolution, que asumirán la transformación y reconversión. La eficiencia y viabilidad de este proceso serán analizadas con el fin de estudiar su posible continuidad y replicabilidad tras la finalización del proyecto. Los logros y resultados de estas acciones alimentarán a su vez las estrategias transnacionales y dotarán a los socios del consorcio de una experiencia práctica muy útil para garantizar la transferencia de los subproductos y procesos validados.

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Water management strategy in Catalonia, Andalusia and Alentejo, and N. Aquitaine

The objective of this pilot action is to develop water management strategies in situations of scarcity using digital technologies. The methodology will have been developed jointly and standardised at CESAP, under the coordination of the IRTA. It will be implemented with irrigation communities in the regions of Andalusia, Catalonia and Alentejo and in a sub-basin of Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Adour and Dordogne). The main expected results are the application of water management strategies in situations of scarcity, using a method that can serve as a reference for other actors of SUDOE. This will encourage the adoption of good practices and the improvement of governance in the collective management of water resources. The action will be evaluated jointly in CESAP on the basis of the opinions of the actors who have participated in the elaboration of the strategies. This evaluation will allow the solution to be adapted so that it can be integrated into the SGW Strategy, as well as facilitating its transfer to other SUDOE regions.

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Demostrador de detección de daños y defectos.

Demostrador de las tecnologías desarrolladas en GT1, específicamente en la detección automática de daños y/o defectos en los productos y materiales seleccionados en GT3. Este demostrador incluirá un sistema o sistemas de sensores con este propósito, de acuerdo con las conclusiones obtenidas de las actividades de este GT. Una versión de este demostrador se incluirá como parte del piloto para GT2, que es el demostrador global.

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Method of characterization and evaluation of existing digital solutions on the market

The objective of this pilot action is to jointly develop a method and then characterise existing digital solutions on the market (sensors, remote sensing, remote control, irrigation software). The methodology and evaluation of digital solutions will have been developed jointly and standardised in CESAP, under the coordination of the UPA. The development of the method will be enriched by the participation of the different actors involved in the project and with the results of the other activities of the project: This action will propose recommendations for irrigation sector technicians in the SUDOE for the choice of solutions among the existing product range. It will also identify gaps in the repertoire of available technologies and make recommendations to solution developers on current supply gaps and opportunities for improvement. All this will be available on the SGW platform, which will also constitute a forum for exchange between farmers (technological users), companies (suppliers) and technology centres or universities (evaluating trainers). In this way, farmers in the SUDOE region will be able to share their knowledge about certain tools with their counterparts, while companies and trainers will be able to better understand the needs of users and improve the proposed solutions.

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Demostrador global

Demostrador de diferentes tecnologías desarrolladas en este GT, aplicadas a un caso específico de remanufactura o apoyo a la misma, con un tipo particular de producto. Este demostrador contará con al menos un robot, con acceso a un espacio de trabajo, y un sistema de sensores de acuerdo con las especificaciones obtenidas de las actividades de este GT. Como entrada al demostrador, se incluirá el sistema de detección de daños y/o defectos desarrollado en GT1.

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