Prioridad proyecto 27: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors

Método para identificar problemas industriales y territoriales y aportar soluciones para resolverlos

La metodología se construirá conjuntamente con los clusters e incubadoras del proyecto SCAIRA y será validada por las autoridades públicas. Detallará los siguientes pasos: el mapeo de los ecosistemas locales, el establecimiento de la base de datos, la organización de auditorías y análisis externos, la organización de talleres locales, la descripción del método Design Thinking y el cuestionario utilizado, la organización de la final sesión, así como la integración de comentarios de los contribuyentes y autoridades públicas en términos de la metodología y la relevancia de los desafíos identificados. En segundo lugar, la metodología para las soluciones emergentes también se construirá conjuntamente con las incubadoras y CTA. Tomará los conceptos del Desafío de Innovación Sostenible desarrollado por IMT Albi y los optimizará para cumplir con los objetivos transnacionales de SCAIRA. Esta metodología será probada durante el GT1 por las 5 incubadoras de los sectores aeronáutico y de automoción. Se ha fijado un objetivo de 6 retos industriales y territoriales a identificar mediante la metodología desarrollada, así como la realización de 2 eventos de emergencia, uno en 2024 y otro en 2025. Estos 2 eventos serán Hackathons organizados de forma híbrida con un evento organizado de forma presencial en una de las incubadoras española, portuguesa y francesa. En la práctica, se organizarán 3 eventos en la misma fecha de 2024 en las instalaciones de HIESE (Portugal), CEEIM (España) e IMT Albi (Francia) con presentaciones conjuntas en vivo y una agenda común. Para 2025 se organizará en las instalaciones de HIESE (Portugal), FUNDECYT (España) y CARO (Francia).

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Smart Green Water | Estrategia SGW

La estrategia SMART GREEN WATER (SGW) es una estrategia transnacional para el desarrollo y la provisión de soluciones que respondan a las necesidades de una agricultura sostenible y digital a través de la implementación de Estrategias de Especialización Inteligente (S3) en el espacio SUDOE. La Estrategia SGW propondrá un método, desarrollado conjuntamente, que se aplicará para aumentar las competencias digitales en la gestión del agua para uso agrícola en las Regiones del proyecto y adaptable a otras regiones SUDOE. Definirá los objetivos e indicadores a alcanzar y las palancas de acción necesarias en cada una de las Regiones. La estrategia se construirá de manera que complete útilmente los objetivos de las S3 existentes y los de las futuras S3 para el periodo 2027-2034. Probada a través de acciones piloto y proyectos demostrativos, la estrategia SGW propondrá soluciones para una mejor orientación de los agricultores hacia herramientas adaptadas a sus necesidades (1.3), la formación en estas herramientas (2.2), la consolidación transnacional de herramientas digitales para la gestión del riego, a través de la experimentación en varias Regiones (2.3). Se propondrán también soluciones para poner en contacto a las empresas tecnológicas con los agricultores, con el fin de impulsar la oferta y la demanda y la adecuación entre necesidades y soluciones. Se plasmará en un plan de acción para la digitalización del uso del agua por parte de los agricultores en Cataluña, que servirá de referencia para las demás regiones del territorio SUDOE. Este plan de acción, elaborado conjuntamente, enumerará los recursos necesarios para alcanzar los distintos objetivos: actores, herramientas, financiación, vínculos con otras políticas sectoriales (agua, agricultura). Se elaborará y pondrá en marcha un plan de difusión para fomentar la adopción de la estrategia de SGW por parte de las autoridades competentes de las regiones del proyecto y su aplicación a corto y medio plazo.

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Establishment of protocols for cooperation between the institutions.

The creation of cooperation protocols is essential to consolidate collaboration between the different institutions and align them towards a shared research goal. These protocols ensure coherent direction, diversified approaches and establish the necessary commitments and procedures for effective project management. This implementation will act as a seed that will nurture the future of drug repositioning research in the SUDOE space.

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Smart Green Water | Planes de acción locales

La estrategia transnacional será apoyada por 3 planes de acción locales (uno por país) para garantizar el correcto despliegue de la estrategia en cada uno de los territorios, asignando roles y liderazgos, calendarizando y presupuestando las actividades, identificando grupos objetivo, etc.

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Network in cooperation

Creation of a network of scientific and technical experts, between universities and technology centres, with a common strategy and action plan, focused on sharing knowledge and transferring technology to the business fabric, to promote the development and adaptation of collaborative robotics solutions driven by AI by SMEs in the traditional and artisanal sectors of the SUDOE space.

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Common strategy for the management and control of thermal water quality

Joint strategy for the management and control of the quality of thermal waters in the Interreg SUDOE territory with the aim of valorising, preserving and optimising this valuable natural resource in the region. The project team, jointly and together with the Partners, will develop this strategy and assess the feasibility and relevance of the creation of a multi-regional entity dedicated to promoting the application of automatic water quality control elements and their mineral-medicinal value, as well as the management of data capture systems, prediction models and data obtained.

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Cross-border strategies

A Strategy for the Application and Marketing of Residual Biomass By-products and a Strategy for the Development of Transboundary Biorefinery Processes will be developed that will contribute to the output indicator RCO83. These strategies will be critical for the successful transfer of residual biomass by-products to other economic sectors within the area of cooperation of the Sudoe space and for the replication of cross-border processes by other organisations. Regarding the first strategy, it is focused on identifying and promoting the use of the most viable residual biomass by-products in different economic sectors within the Sudoe space. To achieve this, lessons learned and good practices from the pilot actions and previous activities of the project will be collected. This strategy will also establish continuous actions and define the economic sectors with the greatest potential for replicability. Within the framework of the implementation of this strategy, guidance and advice will be provided to entities seeking to market and apply the tested by-products and promote the adoption of public measures in the field of reducing agricultural and forest biomass waste. The second strategy will highlight biorefinery processes that have proven to be effective and efficient in converting residual biomass and that can be replicated by other organisations in the area of cooperation. Companies supplying raw materials and trading companies will be identified in the value chains of the selected sectors in order to promote new transnational partnerships that promote the circular economy in different industries. For the implementation of this strategy, the cross-border matching programme will be organised and policy proposals for cross-border cooperation between public authorities will be made.

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Development of tools for breakage detection and Eco-design guide to facilitate remanufacturing

The development of tools for breakage detection and the multi-robot system capable of disassembling and/or preparing the product for reintroduction into the production chain are two of the main expected outcomes of this project. All these efforts will be reflected in pilot actions targeting the footwear industry as the primary audience.

Additionally, an eco-design guide will be created, outlining proposals and protocols for product design and manufacturing to enhance future remanufacturing. This set of guidelines will form a strategy that companies can adopt to improve the circularity of their production, creating more sustainable products. It will also include an action plan with specific steps on how to implement the proposals in this strategy.

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More ecological, intelligent, and competitive surface treatments

The RESINSURF project aims to improve surface treatment in FRANCE, SPAIN, and PORTUGAL by replacing hexavalent chromium, a toxic compound, with MORE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY ALTERNATIVES. It focuses on developing sustainable solutions for key sectors such as aeronautics and automotive, implementing INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES and TRAINING PROFESSIONALS. Through collaboration with universities and companies, RESINSURF seeks to contribute to smart and sustainable growth, improving INDUSTRY COMPETITIVENESS throughout the SUDOE TERRITORY and promoting a more environmentally responsible future.

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Postgraduate course in “Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Risk Management”

This Action Plan aims to transmit the knowledge, technologies, developments and results of the Project to current and future professionals of the Sudoe. A transnational and interuniversity postgraduate course (hereinafter the Course) will be promoted to train professionals with a highly multidisciplinary profile in a variety of essential WSN technologies such as Sensor Science and Technology, Intelligent Devices and Systems, Wireless Technologies, Energy Microgeneration Technologies, Data Science and Technology, Cloud Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and others. The Course will show how to integrate these technologies into WSNs and how to adapt WSNs to local contexts so that their implementation, operation and maintenance is economically viable and sustainable over time. It will also show examples of applications from WSNs to environmental risk management in rural areas. The format of the Course will be that of ONLINE MASIVO and OPEN COURSE (MOOC), in which the consortium has previous experience; for example, the MOOC in “Low-cost sensors for air quality monitoring” of the NanoSen-AQM (Interreg V-B Sudoe) project. Two editions of the MOOC will be held in years 2 and 3 of the Project and the final version will be delivered in month 34. The University of Coimbra (FCTUC/DEI) will lead the Action Plan in which the beneficiary universities (B6, B8 and B9) and partners (A4) of the Project will participate. The R & D centres (B1, B2, B3, B11 and B12) will collaborate in the preparation of the Action Plan and provide training in the Course. CSIC and CNRS have a wide territorial implementation in ES and FR, share mixed centers and associated units with national universities and maintain collaborations with universities in other countries. This will make it possible to expand the number of participating universities and extend the scope of the Course to other regions of the Sudoe, as well as to other EU countries.

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