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Prioridad proyecto 27: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors


La industria del textil y la moda de la UE se enfrentan a un reto sin precedentes que deriva del Pacto Verde Europeo y que se traduce en una serie de …

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Uno de los grandes desafĂ­os de la agricultura en el SUDOE es hacer frente a las consecuencias del cambio climĂ¡tico, en particular a los episodios de…

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The Project will demonstrate the feasibility of low-cost wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for application in forest fire surveillance and early warning systems. To assess the

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El proyecto europeo SCAIRA, impulsado por un consorcio transnacional de doce entidades, tiene como principal objetivo asesorar a emprendedores en la creaciĂ³n y aceleraciĂ³n de startups en Ă¡reas rurales de España, Francia y Portugal dentro del sector aeroespacial y automotriz.

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RESINSURF aims to establish a homogeneous strategy for replacing toxic hexavalent chromium-based surface treatments. It focuses not only on developing more environmentally friendly technologies but also on their digitalization and cohesive transfer throughout the SUDOE territory, through workshops and open days aimed at professionals and students related to the sector. The project is funded by the INTERREG SUDOE Program and contributes to the program by proposing greener, more competitive, and smarter solutions that will improve the environment and the health of workers in the sector in a coordinated manner throughout the SUDOE territory.

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Much of the industrial fabric in the SUDOE space belongs to traditionally manufacturing sectors characterised by small and medium-sized companies that have a low technological

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The main objective of Newpower is to solve the problems associated with the high generation of agricultural and forest waste, which accumulate more and more

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Research in advanced technologies and its application in the SUDOE space to a topic of economic and social relevance such as thermalism, helping from innovation

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The project addresses a common challenge: the technological modernization of economic sectors within the SUDOE area, particularly the agri-food industry and plastics sectors. It aims

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Can the SUDOE space be recognised as being of excellence in the area of “drug repurposing”? Currently, the development of new drugs has high failure

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