Prioridad proyecto 27: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors


The SMART GREEN WATER (SGW) strategy is a transnational strategy for the development and provision of solutions that respond to the needs of sustainable and digital agriculture through the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) in the SUDOE space. The SGW Strategy will propose a jointly developed method to be applied to increase digital skills in water management for agricultural use in the project regions and adaptable to other SUDOE regions. It shall define the objectives and indicators to be achieved and the necessary levers for action in each of the Regions. The strategy will be constructed in a way that will usefully complement the objectives of existing S3s and future S3s for the period 2027-2034. Tested through pilot actions and demonstration projects, the SGW strategy will propose solutions for better targeting farmers towards tools adapted to their needs (1.3), training in these tools (2.2), the transnational consolidation of digital tools for irrigation management, through experimentation in several Regions (2.3). Solutions will also be proposed to connect technology companies with farmers, in order to boost supply and demand and matching needs and solutions. It will be reflected in an action plan for the digitisation of water use by farmers in Catalonia, which will serve as a reference for the other regions of the SUDOE territory. This action plan, drawn up jointly, will list the resources needed to achieve the various objectives: actors, tools, financing, links with other sectoral policies (water, agriculture). A dissemination plan will be developed and implemented to encourage the adoption of the SGW strategy by the competent authorities of the project regions and its implementation in the short and medium term.

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Estrategias transfronterizas

Se desarrollará una Estrategia para la Aplicación y Comercialización de Subproductos de Biomasas Residuales y una Estrategia para el Desarrollo de Procesos Transfronterizos de Biorrefinería que contribuirán al indicador de realización RCO83. Estas estrategias serán fundamentales para la transferencia exitosa de subproductos de biomasa residual a otros sectores económicos dentro del área de cooperación del espacio Sudoe y para la replicación de procesos transfronterizos por parte de otras organizaciones. Respecto a la primera estrategia, ésta está enfocada en identificar y promover el uso de los subproductos de biomasa residual más viables en diferentes sectores económicos dentro del espacio Sudoe. Para lograr esto, se recopilarán lecciones aprendidas y buenas prácticas derivadas de las acciones piloto y actividades anteriores del proyecto. Esta estrategia también establecerá acciones continuas y definirá los sectores económicos con el mayor potencial para su replicabilidad. En el marco de implementación de esta estrategia, se proporcionará orientación y asesoramiento a las entidades que busquen comercializar y aplicar los subproductos testeados y se promoverá la adopción de medidas públicas en el ámbito de la reducción de residuos de biomasa agrícola y forestal. La segunda estrategia destacará los procesos de biorrefinería que han demostrado ser efectivos y eficientes en la conversión de biomasa residual y que puedan ser replicados por otras organizaciones en el área de cooperación. Se identificarán empresas proveedoras de materias primas y empresas comercializadoras en los cadenas de valor de los sectores seleccionados con el fin de impulsar nuevas colaboraciones transnacionales que fomenten la economía circular en distintas industrias. Para la implementación de esta estrategia, se organizará el programa de matching transfronterizo y se efectuarán propuestas políticas de cooperación transfronteriza entre las autoridades públicas.

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Holistic transnational strategy

A holistic transnational strategy for the industrial textile/fashion transformation towards a consensual circular model that responds to the requirements coming from the EU for each of the target groups and actors in the value chain.

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The project addresses a common challenge: the technological modernization of economic sectors within the SUDOE area, particularly the agri-food industry and plastics sectors. It aims

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The RePo-SUDOE project seeks to excel in the area of drug repurposing in the SUDOE space. Its focus on repurposing existing drugs for new therapies aims to address the high failure rates, costs and delays in the development of new drugs. Through multidisciplinary collaboration and the development of innovative technologies, RePo-SUDOE aims to raise the level of research and development in the region with a key objective: to develop and disseminate drug repurposing technologies with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the SUDOE space in this area of R&D, boosting the biopharmaceutical industry and attracting skilled human resources.

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El Proyecto demostrará la viabilidad de las redes inalámbricas de sensores de bajo coste (WSN) para su aplicación en sistemas de vigilancia y alert…

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The EU textile and fashion industry is facing an unprecedented challenge stemming from the European Green Deal that translates into a series of new mandatory requirements in the management of textile waste, advocating for a circular and sustainable model.

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RESINSURF tiene como objetivo reemplazar los tratamientos de superficie tóxicos por alternativas ecológicas más seguras e inteligentes. El proyecto ofrece talleres y formación para educar a profesionales y estudiantes en la región SUDOE, ayudando a las empresas a cumplir con las regulaciones de la Unión Europea.

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The main objective of SMART GREEN WATER is to promote common responses to the challenges of agriculture in the SUDOE area, through the implementation of smart specialisation strategies…

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The European project SCAIRA, driven by a transnational consortium of twelve entities, has as its main objective to advise entrepreneurs in the creation and acceleration of startups in rural areas of Spain, France and Portugal within the aerospace and automotive sector.

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