
Project: ThermEcoWat
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.5 (...) Access to water / sustainable water management
The ThermEcoWat project is committed to a transnational strategy (for information, the 3 socio-economic analyses initially planned for the project are already deliverable). The strategy would be unique and adopted by the organisations, which would have some room for manoeuvre to implement it (we can think of a strategy a little like a European directive).
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 4.6 (…) Culture /sustainable tourism
The action plan for the construction of sustainable public-private partnerships will contain the operationalisation of the content of the development strategy of agrotourism in the Sudoe space. In particular, a series of models of public-private collaboration, including the transnational dimension, will be defined collectively, which will give continuity to the models tested at pilot scale during WG2. It will be based on an identification of models and sources of support that will serve to identify the resources (methodological, financial, material or collaboration-based) that can be used to provide continuity to the actions tested at pilot scale. On this basis, each partner will then work with the key public and private actors of the sector in its territory to integrate the results of the project into existing programs or structures or, eventually, in the creation of new models. In the areas in which it is efficient, the possibility will be opened to the construction of transnational public-private partnerships. The action plan resulting from these actions will contain different models of assimilation of results through public-private collaboration, which will serve as an example or reference for other territories interested in replicating the actions of the Agrotour project.
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.4 (...) Climate Change Adaptation / Risk Prevention
Action plan for the implementation of integrated forest solutions in the interior areas of the SUDOE space. Occitania (France) and Castile-La Mancha (Spain)
Project: An-Gel Sudoe
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.4 (...) Climate Change Adaptation / Risk Prevention
As a result of the implementation of innovative solutions at pilot level, under the coordination of ACMG, an action plan for technical implementation will be developed, which will mean the decline at the operational level of the recommendations contained in the strategic document (White Paper). The document, which is eminently operational, will serve as a detailed guide to the implementation of the solutions tested on a pilot scale by the agricultural production fabric. In addition, it will be a realisation with a key role in transferring results to the whole Sudoe space. Therefore, this realisation is expected to contribute significantly and lastingly to the solution of the problem of spring frost in the Sudoe space.
Project: GestEAUr
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.5 (...) Access to water / sustainable water management
The GestEAUr project aims to improve water management in rural areas of the SUDOE region (France, Spain, and Portugal) to increase water resilience in the context of climate change. A comprehensive strategy will be developed to be efficient, adapted to local needs, and sustainable, along with five specific regional action plans. Additionally, three pilot tests will be implemented to optimize water purification, treatment, and reuse processes, and the digital tool SID_AQUARURAL will be created to monitor water quality and quantity in real-time, supporting decision-making. Through these actions, GestEAUr seeks to strengthen the sustainability and resilience of rural communities in the face of climate challenges.
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 4.6 (…) Culture /sustainable tourism
The strategy for the development of agrotourism in the Sudoe space includes the strategic conclusions of the implementation of the different pilot experiences planned in Agrotour, as well as the integration and systematisation of the contents produced by the knowledge device, initiated previously. As described in activity 3.2., its development will follow a participatory approach through the involvement of public and private entities that have collaborated from the beginning with the project and that are integrated into the different Advisory Forums. This involvement will be achieved through the collection of written and oral testimonies, as well as the realisation of different thematic focus groups. It will also ensure consistency with the strategies currently in force in the territories participating in Agrotour. The strategy will develop its proposal for transnational intervention in accordance with the following principles: Sustainable development in the social, economic and environmental aspects of the agrotourism sector. Taking advantage of the sector’s tractor potential for the social and economic development of the Sudoe rural areas, as well as the fight against depopulation, ageing and lack of generational renewal in the agricultural sector. Strengthening the interactions between urban and rural environments and contributing to the rebalancing of both contexts. —Valorisation of the enogastronomic heritage of the Sudoe and link to environmental and cultural capital. Improving the profitability of agricultural holdings through the diversification of income and offering value-added services. —Incorporation of digital tools for the improvement of competitiveness and redesign of agrotouristic products. Implementation of dynamic public-private collaboration structures.
Project: SenForFire
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors
Objective: SO 1.1 (...) Research / Innovation
This Action Plan aims to promote the implementation of WSN in municipal action plans and self-protection against forest fires (PAMIF and PAIF) in the Sudoe. The municipalities of the pilot areas of Spain and Portugal will draw up plans to implement the WSNs in PAMIF and PAIF in the municipalities. This will be supported by own knowledge and experience in the application of technology in other areas (e.g. air quality), as well as on the knowledge and experience provided by the Project (GT3 and R3.1). The municipalities will establish the specific objectives of the plan, the municipal services that will be involved in its implementation, the chain of command and operations and the protocols of action. They will determine the material and human resources, infrastructures, equipment and training and training of the equipment necessary for the integration of WSNs. They will assess costs and identify sources of funding. The municipalities shall submit the plans to the competent higher authority, which shall decide on them. These are the Agência para a Gestão Integrada de Fogos Rurais (AGIF) of Portugal and the Directorate-General for Forest Policy of the Autonomous Communities in Spain. Public administrations and agencies will decide on the convenience/need to strengthen prevention and early detection in forest fire defence policies in the Sudoe. They will assess the advantages and benefits of the application of wireless sensor networks to forest fire management. JCYL DG Cultural Heritage will lead this realisation in which all the administrations and public agencies participating in the Project will participate.
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors
Objective: SO 1.1 (...) Research / Innovation
Joint strategy for the management and control of the quality of thermal waters in the Interreg SUDOE territory with the aim of valorising, preserving and optimising this valuable natural resource in the region. The project team, jointly and together with the Partners, will develop this strategy and assess the feasibility and relevance of the creation of a multi-regional entity dedicated to promoting the application of automatic water quality control elements and their mineral-medicinal value, as well as the management of data capture systems, prediction models and data obtained.
Project: Ultreia_Sudoe
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 4.6 (…) Culture /sustainable tourism
Joint definition of a transnational strategy of the CaS that is applied in the Sudoe area to preserve the essential values of the roads, promote natural and material and intangible cultural resources, artisanal production and enhance the duration of the authentic and integral destination that guarantees the inclusive, digital and sustainable development of the Caminos to Santiago as a tourist destination inside the Sudoe space. The strategy will be carried out through a collaborative process between partners and territorial stakeholders for the analysis of needs, risks and opportunities linked to the CaS, with the aim of defining common lines of action for the socio-economic development of the area, which will be tested in the pilot project. This common strategy will be continuously monitored once all 5 pilot areas are launched, and will serve as the basis for the definition of a local action plan that will integrate all final information from the different territories.
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors
Objective: SO 1.1 (...) Research / Innovation
A Strategy for the Application and Marketing of Residual Biomass By-products and a Strategy for the Development of Transboundary Biorefinery Processes will be developed that will contribute to the output indicator RCO83. These strategies will be critical for the successful transfer of residual biomass by-products to other economic sectors within the area of cooperation of the Sudoe space and for the replication of cross-border processes by other organisations. Regarding the first strategy, it is focused on identifying and promoting the use of the most viable residual biomass by-products in different economic sectors within the Sudoe space. To achieve this, lessons learned and good practices from the pilot actions and previous activities of the project will be collected. This strategy will also establish continuous actions and define the economic sectors with the greatest potential for replicability. Within the framework of the implementation of this strategy, guidance and advice will be provided to entities seeking to market and apply the tested by-products and promote the adoption of public measures in the field of reducing agricultural and forest biomass waste. The second strategy will highlight biorefinery processes that have proven to be effective and efficient in converting residual biomass and that can be replicated by other organisations in the area of cooperation. Companies supplying raw materials and trading companies will be identified in the value chains of the selected sectors in order to promote new transnational partnerships that promote the circular economy in different industries. For the implementation of this strategy, the cross-border matching programme will be organised and policy proposals for cross-border cooperation between public authorities will be made.
Project: Ultreia_Sudoe
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 4.6 (…) Culture /sustainable tourism
The Action Plan will be based on the overall transnational strategy of the CaS as defined in Action A1.3, and will serve as a model for any Sudoe territory to be able to effectively manage the Caminos to Santiago within its competence. The plan will be defined specifying the strategic lines with concrete actions and expected results, its schedule, the responsible and the metrics and methods of evaluation of progress will be established establishing the indicators to follow, goals and method of measurement. Everything will be summarised in the scorecard of the Action Plan. The areas selected for the pilot foreseen in Actions A3.2 and A3.3 are varied, with common elements and different realities that will provide data with increased value when shared. The results of this pilot will be used for the improvement and correction of the Action Plan: real data from the methods of selection and collection of information of local supply and key actors, development of local Hubs, systems of control and measurement of flows of pilgrims and the operation of stops on the road. They will be integrated into the common action plan for the Sudoe space, reflecting the different realities of the territories.
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 4.5 (...) Access to care /health systems
WG 1, linked to specific objective 1, will focus on the development of a common strategy and action plan. These achievements, developed jointly within the framework of the partnership, will achieve the objectives set in the framework of the project. They will also provide a longer-term vision to generate far-reaching changes in the areas covered by the project, but also beyond, thanks to communication initiatives.
Project: REVITAL
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 4.5 (...) Access to care /health systems
To promote the replication of the experience in other rural areas of Spain, France and Portugal, the project will develop a strategy for the activation of regional agents for the provision of advanced clinical services and a guide for the promotion of public policies by the competent local and regional authorities, trying to promote a public-private collaboration so that these ecosystems of clinical care and neuro-rehabilitation face-to-face and remote develop sustainably in other rural areas of the SUDOE territory.
Project: REMAIN
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors
Objective: SO 1.1 (...) Research / Innovation
The development of tools for breakage detection and the multi-robot system capable of disassembling and/or preparing the product for reintroduction into the production chain are two of the main expected outcomes of this project. All these efforts will be reflected in pilot actions targeting the footwear industry as the primary audience. Additionally, an eco-design guide will be created, outlining proposals and protocols for product design and manufacturing to enhance future remanufacturing. This set of guidelines will form a strategy that companies can adopt to improve the circularity of their production, creating more sustainable products. It will also include an action plan with specific steps on how to implement the proposals in this strategy.
Project: RePo-SUDOE
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors
Objective: SO 1.1 (...) Research / Innovation
The creation of cooperation protocols is essential to consolidate collaboration between the different institutions and align them towards a shared research goal. These protocols ensure coherent direction, diversified approaches and establish the necessary commitments and procedures for effective project management. This implementation will act as a seed that will nurture the future of drug repositioning research in the SUDOE space.
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.4 (...) Climate Change Adaptation / Risk Prevention
Increased capacity of partner organisations, in particular local public authorities, to carry out systemic changes.
Project: PreDisc
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 4.5 (...) Access to care /health systems
This strategy, which covers GT1 and GT2, aims to improve the model of care for elderly patients both in hospital and in the transition to primary care through the implementation of an individualised training program and the promotion of healthy habits.Through the development of an eHealth tool will favor the promotion of habits for a healthy and active aging, also facilitating communication between medical and patient/family personnel. GT1: the strategy will include the joint development of the new hospital care model to prevent the onset of disability generated during the hospitalisation period and improve the quality of life of the patient, optimising resources.This new model will include the key points to take into account in each hospital to increase its impact: greater efficiency in the allocation of health resources, improvement of the quality of life of hospitalised elderly people, as well as of families reducing their dependence on people who care for them.This will reduce the institutionalisation of patients in residences to obtain adequate care favoring the family environment. GT2: the strategy will include the joint development of the new model of patient care in its transition to primary care or that goes to consultation (without previous hospitalisation), in order to prevent the onset of disability as a result of hospitalisation or generated by the aging itself. This new model will include the key points to be taken into account in each region and in each health system in order to increase the social and economic impact of both health systems and patients. Thus, through the strategy and its action plan, equal access to a clinical intervention with proven results will be favored, reducing the differences in hospital care between the different territories, decreasing resources related to health.
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.4 (...) Climate Change Adaptation / Risk Prevention
Design and adoption at the level of local, regional and national authorities of an innovative strategy for the prevention of forest fires in the Sudoe territory, including a report on the development and implementation of the previous pilot actions (comparison of results, sustainability plan and assessment of the transferability potential to the rest of the Sudoe territory) – beneficiaries of the academic field; and the design of the strategy itself – public administrations
Project: Phos4Cycle
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.7 (...) Protection and preservation of nature / biodiversity / green infrastructure
Implementation 1 of Phos4Cycle seeks to develop a common strategy and an action plan for the management of phosphates associated with agricultural and livestock activity in rural areas to improve agricultural practices by applying preventive measures to reduce the transfer of forms of phosphorus to the aquatic environment, as well as corrective measures in water masses with a polluting presence. Beneficiary No 4 CPI shall coordinate the joint work of all partners. In addition, the strategy will include specific guidelines for reducing phosphate pollution in different agro-livestock production systems. Each partner will contribute to the definition of guidelines in the systems experienced in each pilot: dairy production (IPC-CALCOB), horticultural production (IPC-CALCOB), irrigated cereal production (ITAGRA), dehesa production (FEDEHESA), permanent woody crop production (DGAG_GR) and poultry production systems (ITAVI), making them more competitive. All these production systems are essential in the economy of the SUDOE area. The Action Plan, jointly developed by the partners to facilitate the adoption of the strategy, will then be adapted by each partner into a roadmap for each territory (WG3).
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors
Objective: SO 1.4 (...) Smart Specialisation / Industrial Transition / Entrepreneurship
The transnational strategy will be supported by 3 local action plans (one per country) to ensure the correct deployment of the strategy in each of the territories, assigning roles and leadership, scheduling and budgeting activities, identifying target groups, etc.
Project: SCAIRA
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors
Objective: SO 1.4 (...) Smart Specialisation / Industrial Transition / Entrepreneurship
The methodology will be built in conjunction with the clusters and incubators of the SCAIRA project and will be validated by the public authorities. It will detail the following steps: the mapping of local ecosystems, the establishment of the database, the organisation of external audits and analyses, the organisation of local workshops, the description of the Design Thinking method and the questionnaire used, the organisation of the final session, as well as the integration of comments from taxpayers and public authorities in terms of the methodology and relevance of the identified challenges. Secondly, the methodology for emerging solutions will also be built in conjunction with incubators and CTAs. It will take the concepts of the Sustainable Innovation Challenge developed by IMT Albi and optimise them to meet SCAIRA’s transnational objectives. This methodology will be tested during GT1 by the 5 incubators in the aeronautical and automotive sectors. It has set a target of 6 industrial and territorial challenges to be identified through the methodology developed, as well as the realisation of 2 emergency events, one in 2024 and the other in 2025. These 2 events will be Hackathons organised in a hybrid way with an event organised in person in one of the Spanish, Portuguese and French incubators. In practice, 3 events will be organised on the same date of 2024 in the facilities of HIESE (Portugal), CEEIM (Spain) and IMT Albi (France) with joint live presentations and a common agenda. By 2025 it will be organised in the facilities of HIESE (Portugal), FUNDECYT (Spain) and CARO (France).
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors
Objective: SO 1.1 (...) Research / Innovation
The RESINSURF project aims to improve surface treatment in FRANCE, SPAIN, and PORTUGAL by replacing hexavalent chromium, a toxic compound, with MORE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY ALTERNATIVES. It focuses on developing sustainable solutions for key sectors such as aeronautics and automotive, implementing INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES and TRAINING PROFESSIONALS. Through collaboration with universities and companies, RESINSURF seeks to contribute to smart and sustainable growth, improving INDUSTRY COMPETITIVENESS throughout the SUDOE TERRITORY and promoting a more environmentally responsible future.
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors
Objective: SO 1.1 (...) Research / Innovation
Creation of a network of scientific and technical experts, between universities and technology centres, with a common strategy and action plan, focused on sharing knowledge and transferring technology to the business fabric, to promote the development and adaptation of collaborative robotics solutions driven by AI by SMEs in the traditional and artisanal sectors of the SUDOE space.
Project: SenForFire
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors
Objective: SO 1.1 (...) Research / Innovation
This Action Plan aims to transmit the knowledge, technologies, developments and results of the Project to current and future professionals of the Sudoe. A transnational and interuniversity postgraduate course (hereinafter the Course) will be promoted to train professionals with a highly multidisciplinary profile in a variety of essential WSN technologies such as Sensor Science and Technology, Intelligent Devices and Systems, Wireless Technologies, Energy Microgeneration Technologies, Data Science and Technology, Cloud Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and others. The Course will show how to integrate these technologies into WSNs and how to adapt WSNs to local contexts so that their implementation, operation and maintenance is economically viable and sustainable over time. It will also show examples of applications from WSNs to environmental risk management in rural areas. The format of the Course will be that of ONLINE MASIVO and OPEN COURSE (MOOC), in which the consortium has previous experience; for example, the MOOC in “Low-cost sensors for air quality monitoring” of the NanoSen-AQM (Interreg V-B Sudoe) project. Two editions of the MOOC will be held in years 2 and 3 of the Project and the final version will be delivered in month 34. The University of Coimbra (FCTUC/DEI) will lead the Action Plan in which the beneficiary universities (B6, B8 and B9) and partners (A4) of the Project will participate. The R & D centres (B1, B2, B3, B11 and B12) will collaborate in the preparation of the Action Plan and provide training in the Course. CSIC and CNRS have a wide territorial implementation in ES and FR, share mixed centers and associated units with national universities and maintain collaborations with universities in other countries. This will make it possible to expand the number of participating universities and extend the scope of the Course to other regions of the Sudoe, as well as to other EU countries.
Project: HENKO NET
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 4.5 (...) Access to care /health systems
Jointly developed and formalised Action Plan (A2.1) to implement the Strategy to increase the capacity of CP organisations and innovation and care ecosystems. (1 plan developed by the 9 beneficiaries)
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.4 (...) Climate Change Adaptation / Risk Prevention
A joint strategy for the structuring and development of Rural Transition Laboratories will be developed, based on a shared vision of the future of Sudoe’s rural territories. It will integrate the participatory dimension of Rural Transition Laboratories and the focus on endogenous resources and ecosystem-based approaches. For its implementation, each pilot territory will co-construct an action plan describing the stages, priorities and scope of the Laboratory.
Period: 2021-2027
State: Completed
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 1.4 (...) Smart Specialisation / Industrial Transition / Entrepreneurship
El documento "Caracterización de Soluciones Digitales Empleadas en el Regadío" es un informe técnico que analiza las soluciones digitales para la gestión eficiente del agua en la agricultura en España, Francia y Portugal.
Period: 2021-2027
State: Completed
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 1.4 (...) Smart Specialisation / Industrial Transition / Entrepreneurship
El proyecto Smart Green Water tiene como objetivo implementar estrategias de especialización inteligente para un sector agrícola más sostenible y resiliente, enfrentando los retos climáticos actuales. Los socios de Francia, España y Portugal colaboran en la digitalización de la agricultura, buscando optimizar el uso del agua y mejorar la eficiencia en la gestión de recursos hídricos.
Period: 2021-2027
State: Completed
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 1.4 (...) Smart Specialisation / Industrial Transition / Entrepreneurship
The Smart Green Water project aims to implement smart specialization strategies for a more sustainable and resilient agricultural sector, addressing current climate challenges. Partners from France, Spain, and Portugal collaborate on the digitalization of agriculture, seeking to optimize water use and improve efficiency in water resource management.
Period: 2021-2027
State: Completed
Priority: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors
Objective: SO 1.4 (...) Smart Specialisation / Industrial Transition / Entrepreneurship
The digitisation of the agricultural sector is revolutionising the way water, an essential resource for food production, is managed.
Period: 2021-2027
State: Completed
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 1.4 (...) Smart Specialisation / Industrial Transition / Entrepreneurship
La digitalización del sector agrícola está revolucionando la forma en que se gestiona el agua, un recurso esencial para la producción de alimentos.
Project: HENKO NET
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 4.5 (...) Access to care /health systems
Joint formalised strategy (A1.4) to achieve comprehensive, continuous and scalable care in CP, thanks to innovative digital technologies, to improve the quality of care at the home of patients and their well-being. (1 joint strategy adopted by the 9 beneficiaries)
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.4 (...) Climate Change Adaptation / Risk Prevention
Strategic plans for preventive measures, including manuals on good practices, addressed to public administrations and other target entities (organisations managing natural parks, water management bodies, firefighting bodies, civil protection, etc.).
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.7 (...) Protection and preservation of nature / biodiversity / green infrastructure
The development of a joint transnational strategy aimed at promoting local development of local development through the generation, storage and use of green hydrogen as an integrated energy vector in local energy communities contributes to the RC083 Programme Performance Indicator. The strategic plan will build on the outcomes and learnings of the WG1 preparatory studies and the implementation of the predictive platform and hydrogen integration models. In this sense, it seeks to offer individualised solutions to energy communities, with special attention to rural areas, starting from the previous analysis of the context and challenges of the Sudoe space. In addition, the testing of the pilot actions will allow to establish strategic actions for their replicability in other regions and in the energy communities identified previously. The strategic plan will be disseminated to companies in the sector, clusters, educational and R & D institutions, partnerships and especially between competent authorities, energy agencies and CELs with transferability potential.
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.7 (...) Protection and preservation of nature / biodiversity / green infrastructure
The elaboration of a Strategy and an Action Plan to implement Green Infrastructure (GI) in vineyards of high ecological value in the SUDOE territory will be carried out. This strategy will serve as a guide for the wine sector and authorities interested in improving ecosystem services (ESS) in vineyards, and will become an inspiring model for other regions. The Action Plan will be key to share the results and benefits of the strategy approach. The strategy and action plan aim to promote sustainability and quality in SUDOE vineyards through IV, building on previous knowledge and sharing lessons learned with the sector and local authorities.
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.5 (...) Access to water / sustainable water management
1 strategy to launch Living Labs focused on water for SBN and reuse (NB- Woll) will be developed. It will describe the overall method and implementation structure of NB- Woll based on a Quadruple Helice (ENoLL) approach to develop innovative solutions through a collaborative co-creation model involving all stakeholders in the water reuse value chain. The strategy will present a tailor-made approach, in which solutions will be defined according to demand. 1 action plan will be created to implement the NB-Woll strategy based on the experience of the 3 demonstrators.
Project: BIO4RES
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.4 (...) Climate Change Adaptation / Risk Prevention
BIO4RES will result in a joint strategy for the economic valorisation of forest biomass, which will improve the viability of fire risk prevention plans and enhance forest resilience.
Project: FLoRE
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.7 (...) Protection and preservation of nature / biodiversity / green infrastructure
A medium/long term strategy (from 3 to 8 years) will be jointly developed based on the sharing of the results of our multi-stakeholder group animation work at transnational level. Its main objective will be to guide professionals (landscapers, consultants, public and private buyers, scientists, local development associations, site managers) and decision makers (elected representatives, company managers, etc.) towards the means of action available to them to support the long-term viability of the technical solutions tested during the project (collection, planting and monitoring of local indigenous herbaceous seeds, etc.). This strategy will define realistic objectives (taking into account the constraints of these stakeholders) but ambitious enough to support the development of the proposed solutions. It could be broken down into several action plans, tailored to each type of public concerned and their respective areas of competence. We will identify a number of economic and public policy levers that can support this strategy. To facilitate its implementation, the strategy will be accompanied by a number of resources available in open access: training modules for field workers and decision makers, awareness-raising content, a letter of engagement, feedback from multi-stakeholder groups, etc.
Project: Cultur-Monts
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 4.6 (…) Culture /sustainable tourism
Strategy developed jointly by the CULTUR-MONTS consortium for the enhancement of heritage, material and immaterial, linked to mountain cultural landscapes and the promotion of formal spaces for cross-sectoral knowledge transfer. The strategy includes and structures the methodological proposals derived from the different pilots and articulates a proposal of syntheses and implementation (action plan) in which the necessary interconnection between the WGs is explained to achieve a comprehensive valorisation of the heritage and its use as a basis for processes of social innovation and territorial development. The strategy will provide practical examples of implementation and development to guide public authorities and organisations that wish to adapt it in their territories.
Project: HITTS
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 3 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through social innovation, heritage enhancement and services
Objective: SO 4.6 (…) Culture /sustainable tourism
Common strategy for innovative and sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas in the SUDOE area based on their cultural and natural heritage: Co-design of the strategy – model of rural socio-economic development based on the cultural and natural heritage of the SUDOE space. The objective is to generate territorial attractiveness, helping to establish population and attract sustainable tourism (interested in ecological, cultural, artistic and social aspects) thanks to the preservation, reuse and enhancement of heritage. The strategy will contain different elements necessary to achieve the socio-economic development of rural territories based on their heritage (training of local agents, readaptive use of heritage, generation of artistic-cultural activities, public-private partnerships as well as the construction of networks). PP4 will draft the strategy with contributions from all partners and taking into account the results of WG2 activities. In WG 3, we consider testing different elements of the Strategy. To this end, there will be a common share of all partners, including the development of a participatory governance system (A3.1); design of an action plan translating the strategy into concrete measures (A3.2) and training for local actors (A3.3). Together with this common part, a thematic pilot will be developed per country that will test one or more elements of the strategy, depending on the needs of each territory. The Strategy will be adopted by all project partners (except PP4) in the first quarter of 2026.
Project: TARGET
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.5 (...) Access to water / sustainable water management
The TARGET Strategy shall establish a jointly developed and applicable method in the SUDOE space for: • One objective: the implementation of action plans for the sustainable management of water resources (SWRM) and the prevention of crisis situations linked to water scarcity through the integration of solutions for the use of non-conventional water resources (RANC). • Two scales of application: possible deployment at hydrographic scale, of the river basin, to identify and understand the problems by studying the suitability of the RANC, and at the local level of competition (water-sanitation, development, etc.), allowing the optimisation of the RANC. • Three principles to consider: improving the efficient use of water for all stakeholders; revalue non-conventional waters (reclaimed waters, rainwater, grey water, desalination, etc.); and put the necessary means through technical, economic and social innovation. • Four pillars to apply: consultation – state of play (current problems) – consultation – climate and socio-economic forecasting (future problems) – drawing up an action plan (actions/solutions to address problems). This method, as a toolbox of the GSRH, can be deployed differently depending on the territorial scale (local or basin) and the progress of the use of CRRs (opportunity, feasibility, improvement, etc.). It will propose solutions that have been tested through pilot actions (GT1) and demonstration actions (GT2). After analysing the transfer and replicability conditions (GT3), the TARGET Strategy will be adapted so that it can be applied throughout the SUDOE space, taking into account the different territorial levels. It will be adopted by at least 2 project partners (GRANOLLERS – Spain and EPIDOR – France) and at two territorial levels (local and river basin).
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 2 - Promoting social cohesion and territorial and demographic balance in Sudoe through innovation and the transformation of productive sectors
Objective: SO 1.4 (...) Smart Specialisation / Industrial Transition / Entrepreneurship
The SMART GREEN WATER (SGW) strategy is a transnational strategy for the development and provision of solutions that respond to the needs of sustainable and digital agriculture through the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) in the SUDOE space. The SGW Strategy will propose a jointly developed method to be applied to increase digital skills in water management for agricultural use in the project regions and adaptable to other SUDOE regions. It shall define the objectives and indicators to be achieved and the necessary levers for action in each of the Regions. The strategy will be constructed in a way that will usefully complement the objectives of existing S3s and future S3s for the period 2027-2034. Tested through pilot actions and demonstration projects, the SGW strategy will propose solutions for better targeting farmers towards tools adapted to their needs (1.3), training in these tools (2.2), the transnational consolidation of digital tools for irrigation management, through experimentation in several Regions (2.3). Solutions will also be proposed to connect technology companies with farmers, in order to boost supply and demand and matching needs and solutions. It will be reflected in an action plan for the digitisation of water use by farmers in Catalonia, which will serve as a reference for the other regions of the SUDOE territory. This action plan, drawn up jointly, will list the resources needed to achieve the various objectives: actors, tools, financing, links with other sectoral policies (water, agriculture). A dissemination plan will be developed and implemented to encourage the adoption of the SGW strategy by the competent authorities of the project regions and its implementation in the short and medium term.
Project: GestEAUr
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.5 (...) Access to water / sustainable water management
The strategy will serve as a roadmap to improve water management and enhance resilience in rural SUDOE areas within a climate change context, building on all experiences from GestEAUr. It will draw on the solutions identified in GT1, the results from the GT2 pilot tests, and simulations from the SID_AQUARURAL tool (GT3), enabling optimized, real-time management through artificial intelligence.
Project: I-ReWater
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.5 (...) Access to water / sustainable water management
It will consist of an inclusive document including multilevel governance (local, regional, national and European). The strategy aims to improve the efficiency of water uses, as well as the sustainable management of water resources, contemplating regenerated water as an alternative water resource and that must be studied and mobilised for an efficient and inclusive management in the SUDOE space, focused on its use in the irrigation of crops. The development of a transnational, joint strategy will be obtained from an integrative vision (water resource modelling, life cycle analysis, and socio-economic analysis) with which an improvement of irrigation management is achieved, and therefore reducing the impact of crops on water resources, releasing the pressure on the drinking water system in global terms in the SUDOE space.
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.4 (...) Climate Change Adaptation / Risk Prevention
Strategy to adapt and mitigate forest masses to the scarcity of water resources, biodiversity loss, pests and fires while helping to curb the abandonment of rural areas in the SUDOE territory
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.4 (...) Climate Change Adaptation / Risk Prevention
Transnational action plan for the detection, real-time monitoring and prevention of PFAS pollution, which will be implemented, for validation, in the scope of the project.
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.7 (...) Protection and preservation of nature / biodiversity / green infrastructure
With the aim of protecting forest heritage and strengthening the resilience of forests in southwestern Europe, COOPTREE intends to develop a transnational strategy for the knowledge and conservation of SUDOE’s forest genetic resources. This document, which establishes common objectives and a long-term vision, aims to be a point of convergence of the approaches of the different territories to the preservation and adaptation of the forests of the SUDOE. Building on the achievements of the project, both in terms of the knowledge that will have been centralised and the knowledge that will have been generated, this transnational strategy aims to lay the foundations of an expert network that lasts over time, identify the relevant levers of action and knowledge gaps, and serve as a basis for the target territories and actors, as a directly adopted strategy, or to feed their own strategies for forest conservation and adaptation. Without prejudging the elements that emerge throughout the project, the strategy developed jointly by the partners could consist of three components: — A section on the forest context and the strategic bases being carried out in the participating territories. — A section on the knowledge gathered, which derives from the capitalisation of the knowledge already available and the knowledge generated by the project (act. 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3). — A section containing the strategic guidelines and their operational variants, which will specify the guidelines to be followed to preserve the forest resource (e.g. knowledge of genetic resources, conservation, diversification, enrichment, clearing, species substitution, etc.). The deliverables of the GT1 will feed into this realisation, as well as the outputs of the WG2 (pilot actions) will be able to illustrate some of the operational applications of the strategic guidelines developed.
Project: An-Gel Sudoe
Period: 2021-2027
State: On going
Priority: 1 - Preserving Sudoe's natural capital and adapting to climate change
Objective: SO 2.4 (...) Climate Change Adaptation / Risk Prevention
This document, which will be produced jointly taking into account the results of the pilot tests in each territory, will contain a series of recommendations for its incorporation into public policies on the management of the damage caused by negative climate events in agriculture. Basically, it will promote the transition from an approach based on economic reparation of damages to another that considers anticipation and prevention as central elements. It will also incorporate a rigorous analysis of the role of agricultural insurance in terms of protection against frost risk, making proposals to achieve a work in synergy between insurers and policyholders that reduces the financial burden for both and leads to a balanced sharing of responsibilities and re-assessment of risk in view of existing prevention and mitigation measures.