Objetivo específico proyecto 27: SO 2.4 (...) Climate Change Adaptation / Risk Prevention

Action plan for the technical implementation of solutions

As a result of the implementation of innovative solutions at pilot level, under the coordination of ACMG, an action plan for technical implementation will be developed, which will mean the decline at the operational level of the recommendations contained in the strategic document (White Paper). The document, which is eminently operational, will serve as a detailed guide to the implementation of the solutions tested on a pilot scale by the agricultural production fabric. In addition, it will be a realisation with a key role in transferring results to the whole Sudoe space. Therefore, this realisation is expected to contribute significantly and lastingly to the solution of the problem of spring frost in the Sudoe space.

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ALERT-PFAS es un proyecto europeo que busca detectar, prevenir y mitigar la contaminación por PFAS, sustancias altamente contaminantes utilizadas en espumas contra incendios. A través de tecnologías innovadoras, como sensores ópticos, nanotecnología e inteligencia artificial, el proyecto monitorea y elimina estos compuestos en parques naturales de España, Portugal y Francia. Además, sensibiliza y capacita a actores clave para reducir el impacto ambiental y combatir el cambio climático.

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En el Sudoe rural, el aumento de las temperaturas, el incremento de las sequías, la escasez de agua y los conflictos por el uso de

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An-Gel Sudoe

Aunque de forma intuitiva el proceso de cambio climático y calentamiento global se asocia a las sequías, olas de calor o incendios forestales, tambi…

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In the last decade (2012-2022), Sudoe countries have suffered a high number of fires, with an annual average of 222 in Spain, 213 in Portugal

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Forest areas, which are extensive in the SUDOE area and in the regions participating in the project, are fundamental for biodiversity and suffer intensely from the effects of climate change (increase in temperature, reduction in average rainfall and its inter-annual variability).

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Climate change is causing an increase in more intense and aggressive wildfires in the SUDOE region (Spain, Portugal, and France). The 2022 wildfires severely affected

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No rural Sudoe, or increase in temperatures, or increase in dryness, to water shortages and conflitos hair use da terra, ameaçam as Produções agricultural, to

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En la última década (2012-2022), los países del Sudoe han sufrido un alto número de incendios, con una media anual de 222 en España, 213 en Portu…

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