Objetivo específico proyecto 27: SO 2.5 (...) Access to water / sustainable water management


El proyecto GestEAUr tiene como objetivo mejorar la gestión del agua en las zonas rurales del espacio SUDOE (Francia, España y Portugal) para aumentar la resiliencia hídrica en un contexto de cambio climático. Se desarrollará una estrategia integral que sea eficiente, adaptada a las necesidades locales y sostenible, junto con cinco planes de acción regionales específicos. Además, se implementarán tres pruebas piloto para optimizar la potabilización, depuración y reutilización del agua, y se creará la herramienta digital SID_AQUARURAL, que permitirá monitorear en tiempo real la calidad y cantidad de agua, apoyando la toma de decisiones. Con estas acciones, GestEAUr busca fortalecer la sostenibilidad y resiliencia de las comunidades rurales frente a los desafíos climáticos.

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Strategy and action plan for the implementation of Water-oriented Living Labs for SBNs

1 strategy to launch Living Labs focused on water for SBN and reuse (NB- Woll) will be developed. It will describe the overall method and implementation structure of NB- Woll based on a Quadruple Helice (ENoLL) approach to develop innovative solutions through a collaborative co-creation model involving all stakeholders in the water reuse value chain. The strategy will present a tailor-made approach, in which solutions will be defined according to demand. 1 action plan will be created to implement the NB-Woll strategy based on the experience of the 3 demonstrators.

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Estrategia de incremento del uso del agua regenerada en la agricultura

Consistirá en un documento integrador incluyendo la gobernanza multinivel (local, regional, nacional y europeo). La estrategia persigue la mejora de la eficiencia en los usos del agua, así como la gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos, contemplando las aguas regeneradas como recurso hídrico alternativo y que debe ser estudiado y movilizado para una gestión eficiente e integradora en el espacio SUDOE, focalizado a su empleo en el riego de los cultivos. El desarrollo de una Estrategia transnacional, conjunta se obtendrá desde una visión integradora (modelización recursos hídricos, análisis de ciclo de vida, y análisis socio-económico) con la que se alcance una mejora de la gestión del riego, y por tanto reduciendo el impacto de los cultivos sobre los recursos hídricos, liberando la presión sobre el sistema de agua potable en términos globales en el espacio SUDOE.

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Strategy to improve water efficiency and quality in rural areas SUDOE

The strategy will serve as a roadmap to improve water management and enhance resilience in rural SUDOE areas within a climate change context, building on all experiences from GestEAUr. It will draw on the solutions identified in GT1, the results from the GT2 pilot tests, and simulations from the SID_AQUARURAL tool (GT3), enabling optimized, real-time management through artificial intelligence.

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Action plans

The GestEAUr project aims to improve water management in rural areas of the SUDOE region (France, Spain, and Portugal) to increase water resilience in the context of climate change. A comprehensive strategy will be developed to be efficient, adapted to local needs, and sustainable, along with five specific regional action plans. Additionally, three pilot tests will be implemented to optimize water purification, treatment, and reuse processes, and the digital tool SID_AQUARURAL will be created to monitor water quality and quantity in real-time, supporting decision-making. Through these actions, GestEAUr seeks to strengthen the sustainability and resilience of rural communities in the face of climate challenges.

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Strategy to increase the use of regenerated water in agriculture

It will consist of an inclusive document including multilevel governance (local, regional, national and European). The strategy aims to improve the efficiency of water uses, as well as the sustainable management of water resources, contemplating regenerated water as an alternative water resource and that must be studied and mobilised for an efficient and inclusive management in the SUDOE space, focused on its use in the irrigation of crops. The development of a transnational, joint strategy will be obtained from an integrative vision (water resource modelling, life cycle analysis, and socio-economic analysis) with which an improvement of irrigation management is achieved, and therefore reducing the impact of crops on water resources, releasing the pressure on the drinking water system in global terms in the SUDOE space.

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Context and Challenge The freshwater resources of the SUDOE region are subject to increasing anthropogenic pressure, causing problems of water scarcity and quality, conflicts of

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Climate observation systems ranked the years 2020, 2022, 2019, 2015 and 2014 as the five hottest of the last four decades in Europe. According to

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I-ReWater analiza el estado actual de los recursos hídricos en el espacio SUDOE, prestando especial atención al uso de aguas regeneradas en la agric…

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El proyecto GestEAUr impulsa la gestión sostenible y eficaz del agua en zonas rurales del SUDOE mediante la innovación, la colaboración y soluciones adaptadas al cambio climático.

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